The Derski
No Fat Chicks
I remember when Morrow was actually a good shooter.
OK sure but what I thought you were saying was if Kanter played they would have won.
Good thing the NBA hyped up this return game only for the expected Warriors blowout to happen(at least through 1 half).
I think "return" games get overhyped in general. Makes sense that they would build it up, but I didn't care about it. Similar to LeBron's return where the Cavs got blown out, although I think there was more reason to hype that up because of how he left and being from Ohio.What else would you have them do?
@bksballer89 where is he going?
Have you seen anything?
Garry Cobb: Jahlil Okafor shaking hands with #Sixers personnel behind the scenes like he’s saying Good-Bye. Traded? I think so!!!
– via Twitter
Holy smokes half the Thunder fans have gone home
It's really sad that such a great talent is such a pussy that guys he went to war with have lost all respect for him. One of the weakest minded bitches in the history of the league.
What a little bitch durant is. That was absolutely nothing.
You don't sound bitter at all.