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Series Thread: 1) Golden State Warriors (73-9) vs 8) Houston Rockets (41-41)


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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only one here sniveling is you...and you should also stop being a little bitch.

have a good day.

Uh oh, someone's got their panties in a bunch. Grow up, kiddo.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Barkley made an interesting point about the players not listening to the coach. He said "I guarantee you that in Rockets practices he's not telling them, OK James, you take the ball and dribble around for a while then and hoist up a shot and the rest of you guys just stand around and watch, but in the games that is exactly what they do." That tells me he is not getting through to them or else they just don't care what he says.

Problem is. Who is going to get through to them? McHale couldn't. Now Bickerstaff can't. I agree with Charles. Thing is though, how many coaches do they have to go through before they grasp that the coach isn't the problem.


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Apr 17, 2013
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The biggest problem is how can you garner the respect of your teammates when you blatantly disrespect their hard work and effort when you could give two shits.

Dwight has done a lot of dumb stuff in his career, but I have zero fault in him for wanting to leave the Rockets. Dwight is basically an afterthought because of the way Harden plays on both ends of the court. Howard is expected to play defense, grab rebounds, but never touch the ball on offense? That's insane.

Question Howard all you want, but he's still a great center when given opportunity.

I dislike Howard. But he's extremely gifted as a center. Sure, he could do more to make himself more productive. But when you have Harden hogging the ball, I won't blame Howard for when he leaves the Rockets. I don't believe he's as in as much of a decline as his stats point out - it's more to do with Harden.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Problem is. Who is going to get through to them? McHale couldn't. Now Bickerstaff can't. I agree with Charles. Thing is though, how many coaches do they have to go through before they grasp that the coach isn't the problem.
You got a bunch of millionaires who have never been told "No" since they were in high school and they are going to do what they want and I guess its just easier to fire the coach than the players. Remember when Magic Johnson fired Paul Westhead?


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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and now the trite "panties in a bunch" & "grow up" retort????

Irony much, sweetheart??

shirley, you jest.

Pull your head out, the lack of oxygen up in there is getting to your brain.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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You got a bunch of millionaires who have never been told "No" since they were in high school and they are going to do what they want and I guess its just easier to fire the coach than the players. Remember when Magic Johnson fired Paul Westhead?

Actually, Magic didn't. Dr. Buss was already going to fire him because he wasn't any happier with the offense than Magic was. Magic just happened to run his mouth before Dr. Buss could do it. Dr. Buss even met with him and told him that he (Magic) would be blamed because he spoke up to the press.

It was a lesson Magic learned the hard way and never said anything like it again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Actually, Magic didn't. Dr. Buss was already going to fire him because he wasn't any happier with the offense than Magic was. Magic just happened to run his mouth before Dr. Buss could do it. Dr. Buss even met with him and told him that he (Magic) would be blamed because he spoke up to the press.

It was a lesson Magic learned the hard way and never said anything like it again.
Yeah, it really turned a lot of people against him and broke the facade of the happy go lucky kid with the big smile he tried to portray in public. Johnson had a mean streak and was a ruthless competitor.


Roid Raging
Apr 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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2015-2016 Houston Rockets: Bye, Felicia

I'm done with the Houston Rockets.

No, I'm not done with the franchise forever, and I'm sure, after several long months to ponder just where it all went wrong this season, I'll probably be back, but with this particular group — this dysfunctional, broken, can't-be-bothered-to-show-up group — for now, at least, I am done.

And make no mistake, Rockets, this is not an "It's not you, it's me" breakup. This is entirely, one billion percent YOU, NOT ME.

I feel confident in saying, "When it comes to defending you, Rockets, I've done my part," which is the ultimate irony because I don't think you've defended a damn thing since Game 7 of the Clippers series last postseason. Hell, I was part of the small minority in Red Nation who, during the last week of the regular season, actually WANTED you to make the playoffs instead of tanking out of the postseason and retaining the first-round pick you conditionally stapled to Joey Dorsey's face in the Ty Lawson deal!

I wanted you to make the playoffs because I like playoff basketball, I like competition, the goal of sports is to win and hell, maybe there's that 1 percent chance that you guys reach down for something deep in your sports courage tank and shock the world. I really felt like this, despite being outnumbered on Twitter and on my radio show by people who felt the need to over-explain to me the intrinsic franchise-changing value of a 2.6 percent chance at a top three pick, like I was some sort of basketball first grader.

That was fun.

Then Game 1 hit, and you were down by double digits before my first-quarter pizza rolls (yum!) were done cooking, and by halftime, Twitter collectively was telling me what a dumbass I was for wanting you in the playoffs instead of wanting to experience the thrill of picking 13th in the draft! It's hard for me to argue my side of that when James Harden has four points and four fouls at halftime, and Corey Brewer is playing like he dipped into Johnny Manziel's magic mushroom bag. Thanks for nothing, guys.

So the Warriors went on to beat you by 26 in Game 1, spending a casual Saturday afternoon batting you around like a cat bats around a ball of yarn. (Yes, you are a ball of goddamn yarn, Rockets!) But then, somewhat miraculously, a gift was granted by the basketball gods! Steph Curry — reigning MVP, best player on the planet, possible alien — was announced out for Game 2 with an ankle injury. If ever there were a time to rise up, take what you were gifted and make a series out of it, Monday night was that time, fellas!

Instead? More of the same. More Harden massaging the ball until the 23.7-second mark on the 24-second shot clock, more Dwight sulking because nobody's feeding him the ball in the low post (Hey, Dwight, I'm with you...it would be amazing to watch you set the record for turnovers in a game.), more listless chasing of defensive rebounds, more Corey Brewer, more Trevor Ariza, more Josh Smith...I don't need to go through the "12 Days of Christmas" exercise of attaching a detrimental verb to each of these guys. If you've been watching the Rockets, you know that I can merely state their names and that's enough to induce the requisite vomit.

Hell, other than Patrick Beverley (whom I would clone a million times and then challenge the world to a street fight), none of you even seem to care that the Warriors are treating this series like a glorified practice, a controlled scrimmage, the NBA equivalent of a college spring game.

So guess what? If you don't care, I don't care. If you want to get swept, knock yourselves out.

It's equal parts hilarious and pathetic, guys, that by the time this series is over, your scorecard will read "Coaches Fired 2, Playoff Wins 0." Poor J.B. Bickerstaff. I say that not only because he was handed a roster whose collective give-a-damn-o-meter has been on "E" since October, but because he's completely ill-equipped for the job he was handed.

It's one thing to be unable to motivate a possible mix that cannot be motivated. It's entirely another to be playing Corey Brewer for more than 20 minutes in an NBA game, let alone starting him out of nowhere in Game 1. (Yeah, your team's game is predicated on three pointers, so hey! I got an idea! Let's start the guy who last made a three pointer during the Clinton Administration!)

When Bickerstaff was hired, Yahoo!'s Adrian Wojnarowski wrote this flowery piece about a grinder finally getting a chance on the big stage, son of a coach, blah blah blah. It concluded like this:

Before J.B. called his wife, he had to call his father. He stood in a corridor of the Toyota Center and heard Bernie tell him that he had put the call on speaker, so his mother could hear all about it too. Bernie Bickerstaff, an old coach, with a history of interim assignments himself, pushed past the pleasantries and asked his kid a question.

“Do you have a plan?”

All his life, John Blair Bickerstaff had been groomed for this moment, this chance, and he told his father what he told the Rockets’ GM and owner, what he told James Harden and Dwight Howard.

“Yes, I do.”

What in the blue hell was this "plan" you speak of, J.B.? I need to know, because your offense looks like deleted scenes from a bad sex tape — totally disjointed, utterly aimless and painfully disorganized.

Rockets, you have two more games left in this series (let's just be honest), both of which I will watch because I want to maintain my standing as an exemplary CBS Radio employee (///turns to fourth wall...waves to bosses///), but make no mistake, for this season, we are done, you and me. You're impossible to root for, and I can't do the impossible.

So go ahead. Go ahead and finish this thing up appropriately, with James Harden flailing around for 30 barely efficient points to go with about seven of the laziest turnovers you'll ever see, with Trevor Ariza dribbling around the perimeter like he just learned how to use his left hand, with Dwight Howard seeking Olajuwon-level touches even though he has Ostertag-level touch, and with the rest of the merry band of fools chucking up three pointers like they're...well, like they're the Golden State Warriors or something.

As Ellis Redding would say, go on and stamp your little card, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because frankly, I don't give a shit.

Not anymore. Not this year. Not till it's fixed.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Yeah, it really turned a lot of people against him and broke the facade of the happy go lucky kid with the big smile he tried to portray in public. Johnson had a mean streak and was a ruthless competitor.

Yeah he was. The old Showtime Lakers all say that for the most part, he really was the happy. smiling person that everyone saw. But when it came to what he called "Winnin' time" there was no one more serious or ruthless than he was.

Heck, he clobbered Isaiah in the finals and they were best friends at the time. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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The biggest problem is how can you garner the respect of your teammates when you blatantly disrespect their hard work and effort when you could give two shits.

Dwight has done a lot of dumb stuff in his career, but I have zero fault in him for wanting to leave the Rockets. Dwight is basically an afterthought because of the way Harden plays on both ends of the court. Howard is expected to play defense, grab rebounds, but never touch the ball on offense? That's insane.

Question Howard all you want, but he's still a great center when given opportunity.

Of course we could never afford Dwight, but Howard and Beverley are the only guys I would take from the Rockets to be on the Warriors. He's not as explosive as he used to be (e.g., he got swatted by Bogut last night), but Dwight is still very good at defense and he makes the most of his opportunities on offense. Harden would instantly kill any team's chemistry. Real MVP, LOL.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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You are ridiculous.

The End.

Don't waste your time. He's been doing this act since the ESPN days. A bunch of us migrated here from ESPN about 5 years ago. Somehow he found us and followed us over here. The guy's seriously obsessed. LOL.


Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Don't waste your time. He's been doing this act since the ESPN days. A bunch of us migrated here from ESPN about 5 years ago. Somehow he found us and followed us over here. The guy's seriously obsessed. LOL.

I am a F@nnation refugee.

I was unfamiliar with that poster, until recently.

Someone said something similar. But, I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.


I think I'll heed the warning.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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I am a F@nnation refugee.

I was unfamiliar with that poster, until recently.

Someone said something similar. But, I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.


I think I'll heed the warning.

He'll try to hook you back into engaging with him by making some sensible posts every once in a while or by piling onto a popular sentiment that many others are expressing, but don't be fooled. His primary objective is to try to get on people's nerves.


Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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He'll try to hook you back into engaging with him by making some sensible posts every once in a while or by piling onto a popular sentiment that many others are expressing, but don't be fooled. His primary objective is to try to get on people's nerves.

Yeah, it's the best time of the year for NBA fans.

I have no time for a reclamation project.