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Oh man.. AJ vs Cena....
What should have happened was Bray be the 1 in 21-1...or 22-1...And taker giving the torch to Bray for that little genre of wrestling.Agree, totally don't get it. Bray could've easily done what UT did and just his feuding with someone elevated him even when UT didn't win. WM had to be embarrassing for them, there was literally no point for that shitty segment wasted.
Read the recap. Looks like WWE just punted with Game 7 of Dubs/Thunder going down tonight. Wise choice
and game 1 of Lord's Stanley's Cup
I don't mind that they broke them up. But this angle is shit so far. AJ is the defacto face and he blames his friends for the loss. Storyline wise I felt bad for Gallows and Anderson. They're completely in the right and AJ looks like an A-hole...
If the eventual plan is to turn AJ heel, I like the subtlety. I'll give the angle time to play out.
I also can't believe they would gave AJ lose clean to a midcard heel the night after he put on an allworld match. Wrestling being fake and all I try not to get to worked up about W/Ls but if they book AJ like he's just another midcarder that's the one thing that would make me stop watching. I was fine he lost to Reigns. Just have him in big matches and treat him like a star and I'm happy
What was the #Hatch thing? I missed it.
[To cut Seth off as a babyface] was dumb. They need that kind of guy. To do it for a guy like Reigns who's dying in the role, and the other part of him is that house show sales are going down, they're not terrible but they're on the descent not the ascent.
So all of these things by normal standards of decision making, you go "you know what, he's not the guy, we thought he was the guy but he's not". But they are bound and determined that he's the guy to the point of muting Seth Rollins, turning AJ Styles. I mean I loved the turn, but at most of the house shows AJ Styles was getting the better reaction than Roman Reigns. I mean there were some shows were Roman got better reactions, but generally AJ was getting a better reaction. And on TV it's night and day who's getting better. We can all come up with excuses night and day on why something is gonna work but the litmus test on who's gonna get over is if you give them a chance they get over, and that's it. Everything else, whether it's saying some women will like him or he's got a good body or he has a good promo, all these things are factors but not as important You can learn from it, but to go in there and just say because he's a good looking guy and he can be a role model for the company so he's gonna get over, I mean they've had a year plus and it's just not working. Maybe Seth would be better, and if it didn't work for Seth then you can turn him backheel. This isn't the time for Seth to be heel, and now people are being told to hate him it's just falling flat.
Meltzer's thoughts on the Styles' and Rollins' heel turn, as well as his thoughts on Reigns as the top babyface:
Obviously Vince is being stubborn with Reigns. They should have turned him heel when the crowd protested the 2015 Royal Rumble. He could have had a dominant heel run, had much less pressure on him when he cut promos and possibly found a confidence and charisma on the mic.Then they could have turned him face if and when the crowd was more willing to accept him in that role. With that said they spent the past year trying to rehabilitate his character so I have no problem with them giving him more than a 2 or 3 month run as a face champion before they cut the chord. On a positive note, he's only 31 years old so barring injury they've pushed him to the extent that they have a reliable top of the card wrestler for the next ten years. Maybe he turns out to be more Orton or a Batista than Cena but I think those are now the worst case scenarios. He's made as a main event level guy.
Rollins is 30. He's going to be over as a face whenever they pull the trigger on a turn. He's also made as a main event level guy for the next ten years. I don't think that it was special when he came back from injury. I think they can turn him whenever they want and it will work out. I don't think there's a rush or a timetable on it.
The one I absolutely disagree with is Styles. In the face role Styles upside was closer to 1987 Steamboat than 2014 Daniel Bryan. That's not intended as an insult as Steamboat's a legend but I don't think Styles was going to headline major PPVs like SS or WM as a babyface in the WWE. He's the best worker in the company but he has limitations on promos. He turns 39 this week and has been in wrestling for over a decade and a half so I don't think there's much upside to improve there. Zayn has a higher upside as a babyface. He has the naturally likeable, underdog DB persona. Styles doesn't have that imo. As part of a faction Styles can be the best viscous heel in the company. I loved the execution of the turn and I love what it means for Styles going forward
Cody Runnels can wrestle for whoever he wants since that's his real name. The 'Cody Rhodes' name is copyrighted by WWE and he can't use that without their permission. It's happened to other wrestlers who left WWE and is nothing new. I don't blame Vince for not letting Cody or anyone else use a name the WWE owns. WWE owns the names and can do what they want with them. It's just smart business to me.