Death On Black Wings
So.... I'm turning my webcam off. Too late.
ya I know, it wasn't funny in the first thread either.
You were serious?
So.... I'm turning my webcam off. Too late.
ya I know, it wasn't funny in the first thread either.
So.... I'm turning my webcam off. Too late.
ya I know, it wasn't funny in the first thread either.
You were serious?
Bedtime...night suckas
...was someone hacking your webcam?
Doubt it, just was upset that no one bit.
How does this relate with you being laid off? They thought you were expendable before, what do they think now?
Bedtime is a fallacy created by those who deny the Darkness...
Out of the 80 people who got laid off I was 1 of 3 called back to work .once we were laid off over a year they didn't have to go by the seniority list anymore and were able to bring back who they felt were the best .Not sure they wanted to get rid of me before they had no choice .the other 2 that got called back with me are under me on the list
What? They do that?! I wonder how many times I've been recorded, uhh, enjoying internet videos.
And no I will not.
What if you prefer sleeping during the day
Already have that video
Make a push to management then.
But then I would have to abandon my common sensebelieve it or not aside from the big bosses we get paid more
But then I would have to abandon my common sensebelieve it or not aside from the big bosses we get paid more
Hey Clarkson. Didn't the duck hunt dog usually laugh after the hunter missed the ducks? Had to ask, didn't want you to go into Saturday jinxing yourself.
You then do not deny the Darkness... You Deny the Light, as it Should Be...
He also laughs when Chip Kelly drops his pants