Death On Black Wings
How is it goin?
Floatin'... how bout yourself?
About to be very very Drunk...
Are you drunk already? Or are you like, plugging the shot?
I am Inebriated, I should be drunk in about 30 minutes...
Word. My buddy is crashing on the couch, he got in a fight with his woman again. I gave him a bottle of jack daniels (375mL I think) so me and my woman could have some alone time.
How is it goin?
BI've gotten oducks feathers ruffled by dropping a Trojan horse on his board and a lot of pro usc banter on the trojans board so I would say good.looking forward to the game Saturday night .
Aside from having to work in a foot of mud and getting coated in flocculant the past 2 days I've gotten oducks feathers ruffled by dropping a Trojan horse on his board and a lot of pro usc banter on the trojans board so I would say good.looking forward to the game Saturday night .
What are you doing?
And LMAO!!!!
Hi. I'm cranky.