At trying to turn this into a football thread.
I think MA could just lick her chops and come back. It is not that hard to admit you were wrong - for most.If you are waiting for everyone to approve? - ain't gonna' happen. Accept the issue and move on? can do but must be willing to accept the shit!!!!!
I'm going to play Devil's advocate here…
Let's say that instead of posting this thread during halftime of the NFCCG, she had posted this thread after the Seahawks lost the Super Bowl.
Would she be considered a complete joke under those circumstances? Not saying I agree with her 5 points, but that last play on the goal line does call into question things like Russell Wilson's ELITE status, Pete Carroll's intelligence, whether or not Marshawn Lynch is really Beastmode if his own coaches don't trust him to punch it in from the 1, and perhaps the Seahawks do depend a bit too much on the 12th man.
Not saying she's right on all these points, but I don't think she would appear so foolish had she waited till after the Super Bowl to make this thread.
I think MA could just lick her chops and come back. It is not that hard to admit you were wrong - for most.If you are waiting for everyone to approve? - ain't gonna' happen. Accept the issue and move on? can do but must be willing to accept the shit!!!!!
So what if Russell Wilson isn't elite??? Neither is Big Ben, but to you and I he is. Because we watched him since he was a rookie and we know what he is able to do.... Same with Russell!!!
The whole Lynch call, right play call, wrong position on the field, and no time for stupid shit like that!!! And the 12th man aint on the field doing it for you, you have to rely on what you can do, period. Seattle has been there and I'm sure they know this. The 12th man is a way to give gratitude to the Seahawks fans.
As far as foolish, anyone who has posted with her knows, its her way or you're an asshole... So no this will never fly, EVER. And if she does decide to post again, I am very sure she will get blasted big time. And she has no one to blame but herself for shooting off that big ass pie hole she calls a mouth!!!
This will never work, for the simple fact she can NOT admit she is wrong.... look she already tried to blame her stupidity of this post on some fictional illness. So she won't ever accept the issue, and they are lined up around the corner to make sure she can't move on from this shit!!!
So what if Russell Wilson isn't elite??? Neither is Big Ben, but to you and I he is. Because we watched him since he was a rookie and we know what he is able to do.... Same with Russell!!!
The whole Lynch call, right play call, wrong position on the field, and no time for stupid shit like that!!! And the 12th man aint on the field doing it for you, you have to rely on what you can do, period. Seattle has been there and I'm sure they know this. The 12th man is a way to give gratitude to the Seahawks fans.
As far as foolish, anyone who has posted with her knows, its her way or you're an asshole... So no this will never fly, EVER. And if she does decide to post again, I am very sure she will get blasted big time. And she has no one to blame but herself for shooting off that big ass pie hole she calls a mouth!!!
doob, you are trying way too hard. And ruining a perfectly fine troll thread to boot.
This wasn't created after the SB so every point made about that is entirely moot.
MA created a gloat thread DURING a game and the team came back to win. Just a fact. This thread exists as homage to that epic fail and nothing can change that. Future events cannot undo that.
If you feel the need to continue to dump on the Seahawks after that game then by all means keep alive any of the various threads around the community already devoted to that. Leave this fine upstanding shrine to victims of their own self inflicted wounds to those that like it as is.