Well-Known Member
She's dug in deeper than an Alabama tick!!!!
She ain't got time to bleed!
She's dug in deeper than an Alabama tick!!!!
Yeah, not sure why anyone thinks I'm dumping on the Seahawks. I really couldn't care less about football to tell you the truth.
Hmmmm...I'm sport a Steelers' Logo but hate football??? Using other comments in this thread as a source, there is only one thing you can do to redeem yourself in the eyes of us Steeler fans.
Start a thread about how Big Ben is elite and refuse to let anypone but yourself defend Ben and your statements.
NAW! Just kidding!!!!!!!!!
(except about the Ben being elite part)
Hmmmm...I'm sport a Steelers' Logo but hate football??? Using other comments in this thread as a source, there is only one thing you can do to redeem yourself in the eyes of us Steeler fans.
Start a thread about how Big Ben is elite and refuse to let anypone but yourself defend Ben and your statements.
NAW! Just kidding!!!!!!!!!
(except about the Ben being elite part)
Doob bleeds black and gold. That's all that matters. Well, as long as he isn't bleeding to death matters too but you know what I mean.
I don't actually hate football, it's probably my 2nd favorite sport to watch. I just don't care for it like most people do.
Sorry Face. You and I know Big Ben is, but if we were to start a thread about it....
There would be thousands of posters coming out of the wood work, there would be maybe 2 dozen Steeler fans circling the wagons. The outcome for us would be worse than the Jamestown massacre of 1622.
Whatever, I'm going to go watch hockey, a REAL sport that most of you aren't SOPHISTICATED enough to understand.
Who are you whatevering???? Don't give me a line about SOPHISTICATION you waddling little shit!!!
Who are you whatevering???? Don't give me a line about SOPHISTICATION you waddling little shit!!!
you'll never catch him now psych
No need to worry Misko....
I got a bead on the little shit!!!