WTF HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cant wait till I get home to watch. Was it the best PPV since Mania???
Im guessing Triple H vs Sting at wrestlemania.
was going with taker/Sting. Not now
Verdict time
MVP: Dolph. 3 top carders eliminated. Wins the match for the team. Y not?
Worst Proformance: Summer Rae. Can't wrestle. Even the annoucers were bad mouthing her skills
Match of the night: Ambrose/Wyatt 9.5 out of 10 match. Just awesome
Worst: 8 diva tag 2.5 out of 10. Summer horrible skills only made it good
ovverall: 9 out of 10. Mizdow delivered, Brose/wyatt delivered + more and the main event delievered.
Stings entrance was awesome, people went nuts, it was a huge stare down and two moves to put HHH out. Dont know in what shape sting really is in, I can only hope that he is willing to get back in the ring. The intro was the best when Cole said he never set foot in a WWE arena.
WWE Survivor Series 2014 - Sting makes his WWE Debut !!! - YouTube
this might be up for a little while. I dont think sting blinked once. I wish he would have had the bat.