I will never utter a mean spirited word in Fordman or HD's direction again...
Gen...this is all your fault by the way...we told you not to give him the addy here...
challenge ACCEPTED!!

I will never utter a mean spirited word in Fordman or HD's direction again...
Gen...this is all your fault by the way...we told you not to give him the addy here...
Can we have Sake unbanned now please? Hopefully he's lurking and spitting noodles all over himself in hysterics....
Well, save for the fact that he called me a fucking liar when I presented everything but Pineda's MRI to ya'll a full week before the Yankees said his problem was anything more than "tendonitis," and the fact that he called my deceased Boston Terrier ugly, I actually liked uno.
Okay, Sake is back. He needs to stay in here with you guys and never post nasty shit again.
Please remove the avatars and any other pictures of Uno.
And when they're gone, Uno if you mention one word even remotely related to stalking, hacking or lying, you're permabanned. You thrive on this shit and I want to see you shrivel up and die on the vine when it's over.
Okay, Sake is back. He needs to stay in here with you guys and never post nasty shit again.
LOL. This won't take long....
Okay, Sake is back. He needs to stay in here with you guys and never post nasty shit again.
Well, save for the fact that he called me a fucking liar when I presented everything but Pineda's MRI to ya'll a full week before the Yankees said his problem was anything more than "tendonitis," and the fact that he called my deceased Boston Terrier ugly, I actually liked uno.
Hammer, can you please have the bookie transer Uno's 500 V-Cash to my account, please? He actually promised it to me yesterday.
Thank you.
everybody was a liar in his book
he's a douche, but thats why he was here. we're all douches.
anyone know how to let sake know that his ban has been lifted
Wait a few days. Rock needs to scapegoat Sake for a few more things.
Should I place a black armband around my av in rememberence?
The flag outside my place is already at half mass..