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Did Not Fuck Leesha/Sarah
I fell asleep around 3:30am last night while reading Bret Easton Ellis' Imperial Bedrooms, as I am apt to do after a long day of law school, only to be woken up less than four hours later by a text from 1586***1309. It read:
Now... here's the thing... as a single man who likes to drink Jagermeister, it is entirely possible that I have at one point made contact with a "Leesha" or a "Sarah," and not for the purposes of discussing the merits of Bob Froese's 1986 Regular Season, if you catch my drift (I'm talking about the sex).
Off the top of my head, I know "Sarah the Middle School Teacher," "Sarah the Gynecologist's Assistant," "Sarah the Slumpbuster," "Sarah the Walking Electra Complex," and "Sarah the Sister of my Best Friend."
That last one stays between us, SportsHoopla.
But despite all of these Sarahs, I don't know any particular "Sarah" in conjunction with a "Leesha." It's not like I'm pulling a Fredo and banging them two at a time; show me a guy who claims to have had a threesome, and I'll show you a liar (or a no-good cocksucking son of a bitch bastard who better PM me the details, because I have trouble enough with the first clitoris).
And while I appreciate that he (or she) was kind enough to provide me with the requisite evidence of intent for my family's seemingly inevitable Wrongful Death civil case after I get beaten to death, I don't know what to say to 1586***1309.
Do I tell him that I may have crossed the line with his women and apologize?
Do I ask him who "Leesha" and "Sarah" are?
Do I tell him that I did it, and he needs to teach his bitches some new tricks, "cause they be lyin' there like a dead fish. Sheeeit."
Do I not respond at all?
Do I text him in the middle of the night and threaten him back?
Do I post his full number on the Philadelphia Flyers' board and have them do whatever comes natural?
The only picture of a Flyers fan not used as an exhibit in a criminal case
In the event that they find my body out in Eddie_Shack country, I ask that I receive an Antarctic penguin burial. Just dress me up in a penguin costume (an Iceburgh costume will suffice) and leave me there; the penguins will take care of the rest.
Lose my number,
and if you contact leesha or sarah again
im coming for you motherfucker
and if you contact leesha or sarah again
im coming for you motherfucker
Now... here's the thing... as a single man who likes to drink Jagermeister, it is entirely possible that I have at one point made contact with a "Leesha" or a "Sarah," and not for the purposes of discussing the merits of Bob Froese's 1986 Regular Season, if you catch my drift (I'm talking about the sex).

Off the top of my head, I know "Sarah the Middle School Teacher," "Sarah the Gynecologist's Assistant," "Sarah the Slumpbuster," "Sarah the Walking Electra Complex," and "Sarah the Sister of my Best Friend."
That last one stays between us, SportsHoopla.
But despite all of these Sarahs, I don't know any particular "Sarah" in conjunction with a "Leesha." It's not like I'm pulling a Fredo and banging them two at a time; show me a guy who claims to have had a threesome, and I'll show you a liar (or a no-good cocksucking son of a bitch bastard who better PM me the details, because I have trouble enough with the first clitoris).
And while I appreciate that he (or she) was kind enough to provide me with the requisite evidence of intent for my family's seemingly inevitable Wrongful Death civil case after I get beaten to death, I don't know what to say to 1586***1309.
Do I tell him that I may have crossed the line with his women and apologize?
Do I ask him who "Leesha" and "Sarah" are?
Do I tell him that I did it, and he needs to teach his bitches some new tricks, "cause they be lyin' there like a dead fish. Sheeeit."
Do I not respond at all?
Do I text him in the middle of the night and threaten him back?
Do I post his full number on the Philadelphia Flyers' board and have them do whatever comes natural?

The only picture of a Flyers fan not used as an exhibit in a criminal case
In the event that they find my body out in Eddie_Shack country, I ask that I receive an Antarctic penguin burial. Just dress me up in a penguin costume (an Iceburgh costume will suffice) and leave me there; the penguins will take care of the rest.
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