Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Why would they go out day 1 when there likely wasn't a reason to believe it would go to that extreme? I mean I can see young people trying to trust the process, even when there are parts of it that seem unfair or wrong up front until pushed to do more. She lawyered up shortly after these decisions were handed down.I still find it hard to believe they were simply horsing around. I'm guessing the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Maybe they were arguing and some mutual pushing and shoving and someone called it in. I've known women who have those kind of relationships and they really do think it's normal and say "we were just mad at the moment" but we love each other. Because if it was really playing around and your school and football career are in jeopardy you go public day one( her) and scream from then highest mountain (go on tv) and say this is all a misunderstanding . But there was quite a bit of time between word of him being in some sort of trouble and her coming out and saying nothing happened.
But honestly, I mean this is a big deal to USC because they only have a frosh kicker behind him I believe, but camps are in full swing and we are going on and on over a kicker. ...... A freaking kicker.