A useful idiot.
Lady Olenna!
I honestly don't think Jaime cared much for Joffrey as he did Tommen and Myrcella for a few reasons. I think the reason he was so emotional about hearing it was Olenna that poisoned him was because Tyrion was framed for it.
- I wanted to see more of a battle for Olennas home
- I guess now that Cersai has her home she has her money now
- they are rushing a lot now to get through with shorter seasons.
- I really liked this episode as well.
- Dany really is over confident especially with her dragons.
- is grey worm now surrounded?
- how will Mormont come into play now that's he's healed?
- man Huron is funny and vicious, I feel sorry for his sister but wish he had Theon instead
- "This is Jon Snow........King of the north" lol
So how does this Season end? I heard that the actress who plays Cersei is signed on for Season 8. My guess is Danerys finally "wins" at the end of this Season, with Cersei hiding out on Euron's ship and they sail off to parts unknown. My guess is they sail North and try to join forces with the Night King.
Good stuff, Mattola.
They did mention this in the extra 5 minute explanation of the episode on HBO Go. The writers said that while it would have been great to put this in, they have a lot of battles this season, and so they had to make choices about which ones to show in detail, in short, or not at all. I think one of them said since the Tyrells are not known for fighting, it wouldn't have been a very good battle. Hahaha.
I did really like the invasion of Casterly Rock and the way they showed the battle unfolding with the strategic discussion going on at Dragonstone overlaying it. I thought that was REALLY well shot and executed.
So how does this Season end? I heard that the actress who plays Cersei is signed on for Season 8. My guess is Danerys finally "wins" at the end of this Season, with Cersei hiding out on Euron's ship and they sail off to parts unknown. My guess is they sail North and try to join forces with the Night King.
is Bran warging a dead Jon Snow?
@BGDave ... forgive me for UNMASKING your spoiler but how does one go about joining forces with the Night King
"hey buddy I was hoping we could join forc ..."
Night King gives yah one of these
I really liked it except for the 3 eyed raven stuff.
I liked Sam's part of the story.
Bran: I am now. The previous raven died, so now it's me.
- I wanted to see more of a battle for Olennas home
- I guess now that Cersai has her home she has her money now
- they are rushing a lot now to get through with shorter seasons.
- I really liked this episode as well.
- Dany really is over confident especially with her dragons.
- is grey worm now surrounded?
- how will Mormont come into play now that's he's healed?
- man Huron is funny and vicious, I feel sorry for his sister but wish he had Theon instead
- "This is Jon Snow........King of the north" lol