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Game Thread: Atlanta Falcons @ Seattle Seahawks


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Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Respect to ya Screamin12th...Guess I don't see it your way tonight.:suds:

it's just a leadership thing. Leaders do not focus on 1 point they look at the whole picture to see where change needs to come from and what and what not is hurting you, and then have to BALLS to go out and admit to it instead of pointing fingers at 1 person..... I did point my finger at Cable solely at him for the olines failings the past 4+ years but they have improved, improved greatly in the past month so i have to move on. Maybe i was wrong or maybe Brown is just WAY better than Odhiambo? lmao

The easy move is to blame a single person the harder move is to view the whole picture and understand where the failings are. I saw Wilson really hurt this team tonight with his INT turned TD and Fumble turned scoop and score TD by the defense. Those two plays had more to do with the loss than coaching or a missed FG or Fake FG( 14 points for Atlanta ). Where is this game if the Hawks don't give up 14 point's on Turnovers? a nice 31-20 win thats where.


Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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it's just a leadership thing. Leaders do not focus on 1 point they look at the whole picture to see where change needs to come from and what and what not is hurting you, and then have to BALLS to go out and admit to it instead of pointing fingers at 1 person..... I did point my finger at Cable solely at him for the olines failings the past 4+ years but they have improved, improved greatly in the past month so i have to move on. Maybe i was wrong or maybe Brown is just WAY better than Odhiambo? lmao

The easy move is to blame a single person the harder move is to view the whole picture and understand where the failings are. I saw Wilson really hurt this team tonight with his INT turned TD and Fumble turned scoop and score TD by the defense. Those two plays had more to do with the loss than coaching or a missed FG or Fake FG( 14 points for Atlanta ). Where is this game if the Hawks don't give up 14 point's on Turnovers? a nice 31-20 win thats where.

Dude..Leadership thing. WOW...:doh: And the lecture to go with it..NICE!


Don't bane the dillies!
Aug 2, 2013
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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 10,977.34
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#1 all over the place? no i saw Russell cost the team 14 points. Thats not good play. I saw the defense not able to get off the field on 3rd downs giving up OVER 64% conversion rate, thats not good play. I saw coaches make boneheaded calls, thats not good play.

#2 penalties are not ALWAYS on the coaching. False starts, yes. Holding by the oline, no. Illegal formation/shift yes. Pass interference No. Chop block, hell yes.

#3 The Hawks still had 1 time out when they ran the fake FG with 7 seconds left, they could easily called for that final Time out before the time expired ( unless Luke Willson fumbles ).

#4 this game was winnable if Wilson Doesn't turn over the ball for 14 points also. 31-20
this game was winnable if the defense stops Atlanta on one of their 3rd and longs that turned into 17 points
This game was winnable if they kick the FG at half and they were able to stop Atlanta in OT or score a TD in OT first.

Not just coaching here. Just the easiest way to keep the full blame off who needs to have it on them and thats THE WHOLE FUCKING TEAM lmao. Sloppy game but we did see some spark out there from the offense something we have not seen a lot of this year.
And what would have been the point of a running play fake FG outside the 20y even with a TO? The odds that this goes for 7 is very very VERY small. So why? Maybe grab an extra 4y? 7 seconds goes by QUICK. That was a hell of a risk for basically no chance of ANY benefit. Period. It was utterly stupid.

Again, players fuck up every game. It's funny you want to keep bringing up and putting the blame on Wilson, and yet blame the defense when that defense only gave up 20pts to a super potent unit with all of the backups and trash heap pickups they were using out there.

I expect players to make mistakes. That's a part of this game. I expect, or demand, a LOT better from the coaches. There is zero excuse for some of the things they did. Clear as day IMO.

Oh, and the line has gotten better? :L Ifedi shouldn't be on an NFL field. Period. His garbage ass nearly got Wilson killed more than once. He's useless.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Dude..Leadership thing. WOW...:doh:

Yes i am a boss of over 100 people and i will admit that when i first started doing it i had a narrow view. When things would go bad i would start pointing fingers at the other guy below me and tell him to get his job done. Then i took a leadership course, best thing i ever did because it's a life coach not just to help you out at work. You have to look for the cause of the problem or the "MANY" causes that leads to a single problem.

People tend to point fingers first before getting or viewing all the information that is out there for you to make a intelligent and insightful decision. The Easy move is to blame 1 area or 1 person but it's rarely the right move.


Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yes i am a boss of over 100 people and i will admit that when i first started doing it i had a narrow view. When things would go bad i would start pointing fingers at the other guy below me and tell him to get his job done. Then i took a leadership course, best thing i ever did because it's a life coach not just to help you out at work. You have to look for the cause of the problem or the "MANY" causes that leads to a single problem.

People tend to point fingers first before getting or viewing all the information that is out there for you to make a intelligent and insightful decision. The Easy move is to blame 1 area or 1 person but it's rarely the right move.

And I run over 15 line crews. What again was your point. Coaching had a major play in this loss. I really don't get your lecture. :gaah:


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And what would have been the point of a running play fake FG outside the 20y even with a TO? The odds that this goes for 7 is very very VERY small. So why? Maybe grab an extra 4y? 7 seconds goes by QUICK. That was a hell of a risk for basically no chance of ANY benefit. Period. It was utterly stupid.

Again, players fuck up every game. It's funny you want to keep bringing up and putting the blame on Wilson, and yet blame the defense when that defense only gave up 20pts to a super potent unit with all of the backups and trash heap pickups they were using out there.

I expect players to make mistakes. That's a part of this game. I expect, or demand, a LOT better from the coaches. There is zero excuse for some of the things they did. Clear as day IMO.

Oh, and the line has gotten better? :L Ifedi shouldn't be on an NFL field. Period. His garbage ass nearly got Wilson killed more than once. He's useless.

To Easy
Carroll doesn't trust Walsh, do you blame him? YOU don't trust Walsh! He wanted those extra yards to make the kick even shorter. Stupid move though like i said in my posts earlier ( that you DIDN'T read )when he made that call i knew we were going to lose.

Players fuck up all the time and COST their teams wins also RIGHT? or are you just going to blow that off because it doesn't fit your narrative? How many points did the Hawks give up on Wilson's Turnovers? how many points did they lose by ( Answer those two questions if you got the balls ) Wilson RARELY makes those mistakes so yes he is partly to blame, he doesn't get a fucking free pass.

Over 8 minutes in the game Down by 8 and what happens? Defense couldn't hold them and not only that let them eat up 5+ minutes. That's a gut check moment and the defense failed.

Atlanta averages 40% on 3rd downs they were 64% in this game. So i guess Seattle's D is below the league average by your logic? Maybe they are. Wait no they are ranked 10th in 3rd downs conversions against. ( that shocked me a little LMAO ) if Seattle holds them to even just 50% they win.

As far as Ified goes i said they needed to play Pocic at RT before Week 4! He is a average Guard but i never saw anything from him that made me believe he would be a good RT. Even when they drafted him i said HELL no to him playing RT and said he would move to guard ask Harold about our back and forth on that before last season.

I never said coaching WASN'T to blame i said coaching WAS to blame but so was the defense and the offense oh and Walsh who use to have one of the stronger legs in the NFL and now seems to have a noodle for a leg.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And I run over 15 line crews. What again was your point. Coaching had a major play in this loss. I really don't get your lecture. :gaah:

Of course you don't get it that's what i am saying, your view is to narrow. :doh:

a laser beam focus is rarely a good thing when what you are focused on involves over 60 people ( coaches and players ) something you should know line lead. I remember being a line lead for Boing. We call line leads ego's because that really is just a position to boost their ego, most of them lead nothing no disrespect to you just a fun fact about my life. Our line lead is a 18 year old that can't seem to go 30 days with out missing a day or coming in late. We gave him the position to boost his ego and to maybe get him to work just a little harder. It works 90% of the time. Wait it's not you is it? Mark? is that you?
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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 10,977.34
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Stop with the holier than though bullshit. Stop with the passive aggressive nonsense. I read your posts, but you can't understand the simple responses and ALL CAPS WONT CHANGE IT. Neither will bold bullshit.

You can't answer why a fake play that is a RUN would be wise that far away with only 7s left. No shit he doesn't trust Walsh. Isn't that being captain fucking obvious? :L The point is it had nearly zero chance of doing anything productive. It was a really REALLY bad coaching decision. Period. Stop. End of discussion. There literally is no counter to that. None.

And your other gotcha bullshit isn't going to help you either. Of course players fucking up lead to losses. You do love the obvious don't you? Wake the fuck up. It's a collective game with lots of moving parts. I mean no shit dude. And there were plenty of issues all over (As I had already said as well if YOU had bothered reading yourself) You can't give up multiple turnovers and win many games. I mean is that a news flash to anyone?

What I said (if YOU would like to actually read) is we got probably better than we should have expected out of an injured and depleted defense. Do you not understand the basics of that? Yes they allowed 20 points and they are not living up to their own standards. There was ONE MEMBER OF THE LOB LEFT ON THE FUCKING FIELD! What the absolute hell do you expect? They had exactly one sack and leftovers or noobs covering two pretty elite receivers and despite spotting them 14 were still in it late!

I expect our coaches to manage their TO's and manage the game. I expect them to kick the fucking FG when it's within range and play the percentages unless they have an actual plan that has some chance of success. That staff failed their players. That's 100% pure fact.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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oops stupid auto correct lol that was BOEING not BOING


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 10,977.34
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Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Of course you don't get it that's what i am saying, your view is to narrow. :doh:

That coaching had a major play in this game?. That was my post that started your lecture and you call that narrow? Save your corporate BS for your pawns.


Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Of course you don't get it that's what i am saying, your view is to narrow. :doh:

a laser beam focus is rarely a good thing when what you are focused on involves over 60 people ( coaches and players ) something you should know line lead. I remember being a line lead for Boing. We call line leads ego's because that really is just a position to boost their ego, most of them lead nothing no disrespect to you just a fun fact about my life. Our line lead is a 18 year old that can't seem to go 30 days with out missing a day or coming in late. We gave him the position to boost his ego and to maybe get him to work just a little harder. It works 90% of the time. Wait it's not you is it? Mark? is that you?

Wrong... Lineman that keeps your lights on..Something I promises you have no idea about!


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 10,977.34
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And on that defense, they gave up a total of 10 points in the second half.

10 points.

In the second half.

You know, after they should have been wearing down. Further, it was only 3 points in the 4th quarter. So I don't get the narrative that the defense failed to hold late and have some level of real blame for the loss. Given their health (or lack there of) blaming them seems the smallest piece of the blame pie.


Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And on that defense, they gave up a total of 10 points in the second half.

10 points.

In the second half.

You know, after they should have been wearing down. Further, it was only 3 points in the 4th quarter. So I don't get the narrative that the defense failed to hold late and have some level of real blame for the loss. Given their health (or lack there of) blaming them seems the smallest piece of the blame pie.

No getting through to Screamin12th. His heads to big. But he might be able to give you advise on a leadership level as he did for me. :D


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 10,977.34
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No getting through to Screamin12th. His heads to big. But he might be able to give you advise on a leadership level as he did for me. :D
Yeah, last time I checked leaders also accept full responsibility for the actions of the people who work for them. Or maybe he missed that part of the class? :noidea:


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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#1 You can't answer why a fake play that is a RUN would be wise that far away with only 7s left. No shit he doesn't trust Walsh. Isn't that being captain fucking obvious? :L The point is it had nearly zero chance of doing anything productive. It was a really REALLY bad coaching decision. Period. Stop. End of discussion.

#2 And your other gotcha bullshit isn't going to help you either. Of course players fucking up lead to losses. You do love the obvious don't you? Wake the fuck up

#3 It's a collective game with lots of moving parts. I mean no shit dude. And there were plenty of issues all over
(As I had already said as well if YOU had bothered reading yourself) You can't give up multiple turnovers and win many games. I mean is that a news flash to anyone?

#4 Yes they allowed 20 points and they are not living up to their own standards.

#5 despite spotting them 14 were still in it late!

#6 I expect our coaches to manage their TO's and manage the game. I expect them to kick the fucking FG when it's within range and play the percentages unless they have an actual plan that has some chance of success. That staff failed their players. That's 100% pure fact.

First off you avoided the obvious once again because why? it doesn't fit your narrative and like i said in my VERY first post in this thread when Pete called for the fake i knew it would cost us the game. Now i cut your post to help you understand my answers, don't worry i am here to help you.

#1 I said Carroll prob doesn't trust Walsh and they had a time out and 7 seconds left. stupid call and i said it was but with 7 seconds left that means if he makes it Seattle is kicking off with around 2 to 3 sec left and lets not forget they a block or two away from having a couple return TD's against the Hawk . Or seeing as they have a time out and only like 1/2 yard to go they thought a fake would catch Atlanta off guard and run another 4 sec off. Fail! i said it was a fail damn near 2 to 3 pages ago when i FIRST posted.

#2 Well i had to state the obvious because you were TOTAL ignoring it and once again IGNORED it in this reply and turn to name calling lmao. whats the score if Wilson doesn't give 7 points up on a scoop and score or the defense dosen't gives up 7 after his INT? even holding them to 3 on one of the turnovers results in a hawks win.

#3 that was my point but everyone wants to focus on one play or one group ( Coaches ). All i have been saying is there is more going on than just that one play and there are more people to look at than just the coaches but you continue your headhunt.

#4 The Defense allowed 27 point's not 20. Short field or not they allowed 27 points only 7 was scored by Atlanta's defense. Yes short field but the Hawks also had a short field TD you going to give it All to Atlanta's Special teams or did the Hawks execute and score a TD?

#5 Yes despite spotting them 14 point's they were in it late so it makes everything magnified so why focus on 1 or two plays that cost the Hawks a total of 3 points and a time out but ignore the 2 plays that gave Atlanta 7 points and another 7 points on a short field?

#6 oh and i don't? Wilson and the offense messed up to begin the 3rd quarter and wasted a TO right before they kicked a FG to end their first drive because they were standing around in the huddle after a sack. ( sideline mics go off at the 20 sec mark of the play clock) Those miss communications happen in EVERY single game, i mean EVERY single game but normally a team is poised enough to get the play off and if not they use a TO. Baldwin should never have begged Pete to throw the flag on his one play, he KNEW he didn't catch it that one is on Baldwin and he should have waited for the guys upstairs but the fans AND Baldwin were all over him so i am sure he never saw the play but from Baldwin's and the FANS reaction he reacted. Baldwin costed the Hawks a TO because Carroll knows that he makes unbelievable catches ( Butt catch lol ) and believes in his players. Shame on you Doug.

P.S. bet you don't read this one either.
Oh and let me just put my VERY FIRST post in this thread right here.

Bright side, the offense is scoring points ( 22 or more in the last 4 out of 5 games )and the blocking up front has improved immensely, 14 points off turnovers did not help. When a WR is landing in bounds by one inch that means instead of going for the ball you smack him as hard as you can in the chest or just push him for crying out loud and he wont be coming down in bounds. The Defense snapped Matt Ice's 200 yard passing streak and the Running game has a little more success and is moving in the right direction.
The Fake FG thing told me we were going to lose, i just flat out knew those 3 points were going to haunt the Hawks.

Who kept saying 12-4? all i can say is have you NOT been paying attention? LMAO

Seahawks will beat the living heck out of SF next week and then will look to make a statement against the Eagles at home. That Eagles game will be hugely telling about the Hawks and which way they are going. The next 3 weeks will tell us a lot, Out? WC? Division winner? Can't let the Rams get 2 games infront or the game against them means nothing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, last time I checked leaders also accept full responsibility for the actions of the people who work for them. Or maybe he missed that part of the class? :noidea:

That's right and that's why you don't go pointing fingers at someone. You go out and find the problem and fix it you don't start pointing fingers. I brought this up because of the fact that pointing fingers is the easy way out. FIX IT! not pass the blame. How do you fix it? For one by not having a narrow or BLINDED view.

Pointing the finger at Pete or the coaches for this lose is just stupid, narrow minded and flat out wrong. Thats what i have been saying and 2 of you tend to get a little pissy about it. I never said the coaches were not to blame, i said there was enough blame to go around and not one thing lost us this game. It was everything as a whole put TOGETHER that lost us this game. But i guess i need to be attacked because i don't want to ONLY blame the coaches who i DID blame for part of this loss.

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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 10,977.34
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So now you graduate from passive aggressive bullshit to full on novels? :L
Since YOU refuse to read or understand what is posted, I'll put a couple of them right smack here so you can no longer refuse them.
Welp, that's game.

Way too many mistakes, turnovers, drops, penalties, and coaching blunders.

This is what the team looks like now after the dissolving of the LOB with a lack of any kind of running game.

Carroll outcoached by two of his former staff. Ifedi is a total bust. The defense can't really stop any kind of passing game now.

Are you that dense or do you finally get it? :L

There is nothing to admit to when I said it first ffs.

You said you blamed Cable for several games and now he's off the hook because the line is awesome now (yes, I paraphrased the end of that). So it's entirely fine for you to poach specific elements of a team or game to place some blame on, but everyone else is wrong when they do it.

Seems legit.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 10,977.34
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That's right and that's why you don't go pointing fingers at someone. You go out and find the problem and fix it you don't start pointing fingers. I brought this up because of the fact that pointing fingers is the easy way out. FIX IT! not pass the blame. How do you fix it? For one by not having a narrow or BLINDED view.

Pointing the finger at Pete or the coaches for this lose is just stupid, narrow minded and flat out wrong. Thats what i have been saying and 2 of you tend to get a little pissy about it. I never said the coaches were not to blame, i said there was enough blame to go around and not one thing lost us this game. It was everything as a whole put TOGETHER that lost us this game. But i guess i need to be attacked because i don't want to ONLY blame the coaches who i DID blame for part of this loss.

Listen you fucking dolt. We are not in charge here. How do you not get this? :noidea:

We are not responsible in any way for fixing anything. At least I personally have no say or influence on what happens at the VMAC and I'm going out on a limb to say you likely don't either.

So no, we as fans do not have to follow some corporate investigative criteria for post games. It's entirely ludicrous to suggest it. It's really nothing more than you trying once again to be an elitist asshole.

I'll point out again that you pointed the finger at Cable by your own words in prior games. You can't have it both ways.

I'll be waiting for your scathing rebuttal of Calkins from the times, or softy, or brock, or just about everyone else in this city so far saying the same things. Maybe you want to put in a call and suggest some corporate retraining programs for the announcers of tonight's game for their comments? Gruden was questioning the coaches quite a bit. Might need to set him straight. :L Oh, and the guys at half time as well.

There were plenty of fuck ups and the one that stands out to pretty much everyone else not trying to come off like a better than everyone asshole can see it.