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One month to go, and the season is already done


Free Agent from Elsewhere
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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They continue to slide, the pitching staff has quit altogether, might as well just tank it from here and let the new owners decide what to do with the mess.

Meanwhile, Howard Lincoln is laughing it up again, his REAL last laugh before stepping down.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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Similar thread title a month ago, and it wasn't true then.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Similar thread title a month ago, and it wasn't true then.

It's over. There's no way they're going to pull this out. I have no respect for this organization anymore. All they've done is spit in the face of the hardcore fans for years.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
Gilbert, AZ
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It's over. There's no way they're going to pull this out. I have no respect for this organization anymore. All they've done is spit in the face of the hardcore fans for years.
It's one thing to continually allow Howey and friends turn and burn GM's with new skips, but with new owners in place they truly deserve a legit chance to succeed. It's easy to lump the last 15-years together and give up on the organization as a whole, but new ownership is really a big deal. This season is a lost cause, but I would hold off on writing this organization off just yet. I like, don't love, but like the guys in charge right now and have a slight glimmer of hope for the future.


Jul 13, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The season was done during the winter and spring when no real talent was added only subtracted. If you want to see a real franchise watch Texas. I don't like them, but they know how to win and are proactive all the way unlike us who watch budgets and dump talent to save money in order to overpay in players for a guy who you trade for nothing a few months later.

If you really believe M's management is in it to win it, ask yourself why these things happened or didn't happen;

1- In the winter we were in need of a closer and we went out and bought the cheapest player with closing experience but who had been removed from that position because he couldn't get the job done.

2- In the winter we needed to add a catcher and we added a guy coming off a career low in everything and still paid him to be #14 paid catcher with a vesting option next year if he makes 19 more starts this year.

3- In the winter we needed a backup catcher so we trade a guy who now leads the majors in home runs for a guy who did not make one single play that mattered in any game...and we threw in a relief pitcher just for laughs and giggles.

4- In the winter and spring we needed bullpen arms so we flipped over every rock to find guys coming off every injury just short of amputation and signed them just to release them during the season.

5- During the season we needed bullpen help still so we traded a washed up RP for another washed up RP. That scared the competition.

6- While still 'fighting' for a playoff spot...cough cough...we traded a hard to find loogy for a minor leaguer who I am not sure how would help the playoff run while playing in Tacoma?

7- Then while in the...whatever...we have to dig deep into the worst minor league system in regards to SP's and use guys like LeBlanc, Wieland, Martin, Miranda, and Sampson to hold off the MLB bats. I understand why we called them up, it was because we didn't add real MLB pitching during the off season because apparently we couldn't unload enough salary to add them. A mark of a true winning organization.

Then you take a poor team like Texas ha has done nothing but with within the division over the last several years and who were the best team coming into the season and who played as the best team in the division throughout the season and all they did is;

1- Trade for the best catcher available along with a strong closer.
2- Trade for one of the best clutch hitters in the game in Beltran.
3- Add a former top OF for nothing in Gomez.
4- Signed Ian Desmond to a team friendly deal.

Just gets old seeing the rich getting richer while the dumb getting dumber.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And this new owner is still vocally standing against the Sonics return. There are plenty of reasons to not be banging any drums for them.

But yes, this team is entirely dead this year and I think most saw it coming with this stretch of games. Will they even win 1 against Texas in their return 4 game stand? Doubt it. They've mailed it in.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It's one thing to continually allow Howey and friends turn and burn GM's with new skips, but with new owners in place they truly deserve a legit chance to succeed. It's easy to lump the last 15-years together and give up on the organization as a whole, but new ownership is really a big deal. This season is a lost cause, but I would hold off on writing this organization off just yet. I like, don't love, but like the guys in charge right now and have a slight glimmer of hope for the future.

I understand what you're saying but I'm just done. I just can't put any sort of emotion into following this team because it's been one disappointment after the other. This has to speak to the character of some of these guys. They get to the point where it could be a race and they rolled over and fucking died.


Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Please give JeDi and the brand new majority owners a chance to rebuild for real.


Jul 13, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Please give JeDi and the brand new majority owners a chance to rebuild for real.

We might as well since we did all the others before him/them...though none have done much and JeDi's acquisitions didn't account for much this year. GMZ guys were the catalysts and that pains me to say that.

Banned 10x

aka Raindrop
Apr 26, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It's over. There's no way they're going to pull this out. I have no respect for this organization anymore. All they've done is spit in the face of the hardcore fans for years.

What a bullshit comment, this team has tried but the people in charge to make the decisions have been terrible, I mean, they signed cano and Cruz. They gave Felix a huge contract. They didn't spit on anybody's face.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
Gilbert, AZ
Hoopla Cash
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I understand what you're saying but I'm just done. I just can't put any sort of emotion into following this team because it's been one disappointment after the other. This has to speak to the character of some of these guys. They get to the point where it could be a race and they rolled over and fucking died.
I hear you. I can't speak for everyone, but I know for me I am beyond exhausted with empty results year in and out. From the first pitch in spring to now it has been relentless baseball fever night in and out with nothing to show for it, and that sucks! I will be putting my Seahawks bandaid on in a week or so and allow some time to heal, but when the smoke clears in a few months I think we will be back to excited for what this new ownership could potentially do for the M's. For those of us that suffered through the 90's Seahawks have proof that new ownership can be all we need to turn it around, but unfortunately it will take time; yep, even more time. Jedi wasn't turning this around year one, but we definitely did much better than usual.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It certainly appears this road was the final kick in the groin. The frustrating part is all the teams they were battling for the WC are very beatable with much harder schedules going forward. Having lost 8 of 9 they are still only 4 GB of the 2nd WC. I mean just going for 4-5 instead of 1-8 would have put them right there.

This should be an interesting off season. The FA class is very weak so Dipoto will have to get creative if this team is going to improve drastically.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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They continue to slide, the pitching staff has quit altogether, might as well just tank it from here and let the new owners decide what to do with the mess.

Meanwhile, Howard Lincoln is laughing it up again, his REAL last laugh before stepping down.

Howard Lincoln is a perennial loser at putting together a baseball team... The door can hit him in the #@$^% fast enough..

Banned 10x

aka Raindrop
Apr 26, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Howard Lincoln is a perennial loser at putting together a baseball team... The door can hit him in the #@$^% fast enough..

I have to be in the minority here, but what does Howard Lincoln have to do with putting a baseball team together? Did he decide to draft Ackley? Or any of the other hacks this team has drafted? Was it Lincoln that signed Figgins or traded for Smoak? If anything blame them for hiring the wrong people. Remember, the trade for Smoak was considered a steal and Ackley was a can't miss, the next Wade Boggs they said. I don't know, seems like we're snake bitten up here. Never forget....we won the last fucking game of the year to miss out on Strausberg (sp?)


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The thing you can blame Lincoln for is holding onto Bavasi and Jack Z too long. Bavasi should have been gone a year earlier and Jack Z two years earlier. Those are 3 seasons and some bad some trades that we won't get back.

However Lincoln is gone now so I don't see a point in dwelling on that any longer. I'll let the new regime have a few a years at least.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I have to be in the minority here, but what does Howard Lincoln have to do with putting a baseball team together? Did he decide to draft Ackley? Or any of the other hacks this team has drafted? Was it Lincoln that signed Figgins or traded for Smoak? If anything blame them for hiring the wrong people. Remember, the trade for Smoak was considered a steal and Ackley was a can't miss, the next Wade Boggs they said. I don't know, seems like we're snake bitten up here. Never forget....we won the last fucking game of the year to miss out on Strausberg (sp?)

Starts from the top, things have to be approved before they get done... One of the reasons we lost Piniella is because Lincoln and company would not approve making moves to get the M's over the hump... Lincoln was only around as long as he was because the ownership did not hold him accountable for the pathetic product we've seen over the last 15 years... Some of the missed draft picks were just bad luck, but even if we nailed some of those draft picks Lincoln would have made budget cuts and bye bye talent... M's story line, they always keep 1 or 2 good players and fill the rest of the roster with scrubs.. This year has been better than most, but that's not saying much for Lincoln after 15 @#$^ years ...


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The thing you can blame Lincoln for is holding onto Bavasi and Jack Z too long. Bavasi should have been gone a year earlier and Jack Z two years earlier. Those are 3 seasons and some bad some trades that we won't get back.

However Lincoln is gone now so I don't see a point in dwelling on that any longer. I'll let the new regime have a few a years at least.

Yep, give them at least 3-4 years and let's see where the M's sit ..


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And this new owner is still vocally standing against the Sonics return. There are plenty of reasons to not be banging any drums for them.

But yes, this team is entirely dead this year and I think most saw it coming with this stretch of games. Will they even win 1 against Texas in their return 4 game stand? Doubt it. They've mailed it in.

Which is why I'm hesitant about getting all giddy about Stanton. When he is still vocal about not wanting to compete for fans how much faith can you put into him doing whatever he can to put together a real organization? The Mariners would never have to worry about losing fans to the Sonics if they were winning.


Free Agent from Elsewhere
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Howard Lincoln is a perennial loser at putting together a baseball team... The door can't hit him in the #@$^% fast enough..
Fixed it.

And Taijuan-on has certainly confirmed that he's quitting on us as well. FUCKING USELESS.