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Saban draws comparisons to smoking heaters and the HUNH


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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This was reported on from the beginning, dont remember a single poster saying he didnt ask to speak to them. What difference does it make if he asked or not, the fact he is a coach and has a vested interest is enough to warrant a chance to speak to them...is it not?

He doesn't care. He just wants to sling shit and then spend the rest of the year complaining about people saying bad words.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Considering that USC has traditionally played basically the exact same style as 'Bama and has never run the hunh (although Sark says we will be running it some this season), I'm not sure what my "agenda" would be other than not wanting to restrict other teams from running the style of offense that works best for them.

To use Oregon and USC as examples: Oregon played USC trying to use basically the same style of play as USC for decades and got their heads kicked in for decades.

Belotti came in, looked at his athletes strengths and weaknesses, went to more of a spread attack and began having some success. Then Chip Kelly comes along, throws a turbo-charger on it and the Ducks are having the greatest run of success in their history. I don't see a problem with that (other than them being a lot harder to beat now).

Sorry, but I want USC to take the Ducks down by beating them on the football field, not in a rules committee.

My point with this is its repetitive and its getting old fast. The same questions have been beat to death and in the end it doesnt matter anyway. Many posters on here shield their "agenda" under a thin set of what seems to be legit posts, then come back with a slight or a comment that lets you know they have an issue with the person this is all about. Comments that doubt the integrity or truthfulness, or flat out say his intentions are not about player safety are comments that draw Alabama fans in and with good reason.

You make the assumption that Saban wants this rule to pass because he thinks it will help him win on the field, but the studies have shown that it would only effect three to four plays a game per HUHN team at best anyway. So how does this effect the game as it stands if this rule was to pass? Really? 3 to 4 plays it might effect and you think this is going to change the game that drastically that it will give Nick Saban an advantage?:laugh3:


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He doesn't care. He just wants to sling shit and then spend the rest of the year complaining about people saying bad words.

But you cant say anything, he's a mod.


Working with my wood
Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Are you seriously unable to understand anything that isn't some extreme? Is it not possible for you to think that maybe there is more than 1 single factor involved here? As I said earlier, it's ALL, not even just Nick Saban, about increasing player safety WHILE maintaining and improving the game itself.

Which is why nobody is wanting to put players in bubbles. Why nobody is wanting to reduce the game down to 12 or 5 minute quarters, or just stop playing football completely.

You mean like you and thinking there's no way St. Nick has other motives? Is that what you mean?


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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My point with this is its repetitive and its getting old fast. The same questions have been beat to death and in the end it doesnt matter anyway. Many posters on here shield their "agenda" under a thin set of what seems to be legit posts, then come back with a slight or a comment that lets you know they have an issue with the person this is all about. Comments that doubt the integrity or truthfulness, or flat out say his intentions are not about player safety are comments that draw Alabama fans in and with good reason.

You make the assumption that Saban wants this rule to pass because he thinks it will help him win on the field, but the studies have shown that it would only effect three to four plays a game per HUHN team at best anyway. So how does this effect the game as it stands if this rule was to pass? Really? 3 to 4 plays it might effect and you think this is going to change the game that drastically that it will give Nick Saban an advantage?:laugh3:

Also don't forget it's been proven directly that Saban didn't come up with the rule to start with, and that it was voted on last year as well(ended in a tie).

These other guys have their agendas and have even more at stake in the discussion than Saban has, because their entire offense is based on it. But as long as they can point fingers at Saban, they can deflect the attention away from that.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I dont think its merely coincidence, but I dont think its something he cannot deal with in game with a few tweaks of his game style and planning either. Many of you anti-Saban posters have as much as said he is scared to play it and cannot adjust to it, this is bullshit at its finest level. He didnt get to be who and what he is by not being able to adjust to the game and anyone who says he cant doesnt know him or his abilities to coach very well.

As for the rule not passing, I still think it was shelved to get more information and several committee members as much as said that after Saban spoke to them. They want to further scrutinize this and gather as much information as possible before creating a mess they have to repeal or vote to remove.

There are a couple of areas where you are wrong here (at least regarding me):

1.) I am not "anti-Saban", I am anti-this rule.

2.) I have never said that Saban is afraid of the hunh or that he cannot adjust to it.

My one and only issue is that Saban appears to want this rule because he simply doesn't like that style of play and wants to legislate how "football should be played". He wants to do this despite the fact that some teams that are using it are having the best success in their programs history and thus attracting more fans and interest than they ever have. Why take that away from those fans? Isn't more interest and more fans a good thing for cfb?

At least in this regard, 4d20 has been honest when he basically says, he doesn't care much about the injury issue, he just doesn't think it's "real football" and has no problem trying to make every other team play the type of football that he likes.

As for me, I say more power to them. As a USC fan, I don't like the fact that since Oregon went to the hunh, they have a winning record vs. my Trojans, but I like it for their fans.

I do have to admit that there has been one unexpected result of this. That is, I take some pleasure in the fact that one of USC's wins was under Kiffin at Autzen because it rustles the heck out of Mamba's jimmies!!:yahoo:
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Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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You mean like you and thinking there's no way St. Nick has other motives? Is that what you mean?

I don't give a crap if he has other motives or not. I have other motives that's for damn sure, but it's not because Alabama can't beat it or whatever people like you want to claim. If you don't think the other side of this coin has their motives, then you are window licking intelligent.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Did a gumper just finally admit saban asked to speak to the committee?

Brb, I gotta go change my drawers.

You know, it occurred to me that you commented this morning on people cussing others and it was going to stop. Name calling leads to cussing and the term gump, gumper or anything to do with a slang form along those lines or any other name could lead to an escalation of words. Its not like I go around calling anyone names or making fun of their team but yet i am supposed to sit idly by and allow someone else to do it. And a mod no less. Glad I dont have to live in that glass house and be held accountable since the mods are doing it, must be fine for the rest of us.:noidea:


Working with my wood
Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't give a crap if he has other motives or not. I have other motives that's for damn sure, but it's not because Alabama can't beat it or whatever people like you want to claim. If you don't think the other side of this coin has their motives, then you are window licking intelligent.

Now go find one post from me that says this. I dare you.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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There are a couple of areas where you are wrong here (at least regarding me):

1.) I am not "anti-Saban", I am anti-this rule.

2.) I have never said that Saban is afraid of the hunh or that he cannot adjust to it.

My one and only issue is that Saban appears to want this rule because he simply doesn't like that style of play and wants to legislate how "football should be played". He wants to do this despite the fact that some teams that are using it are having the best success in their programs history and thus attracting more fans and interest than they ever have. Why take that away from those fans?

At least in this regard, 4d20 has at least been honest when he basically says, he doesn't care much about the injury issue, he just doesn't think it's "real football".

As for me, I say more power to them. As a USC fan, I don't like the fact that we since Oregon went to the hunh, they have a winning record vs. my Trojans, but I like it for their fans.

I do have to admit that there has been one unexpected result of this. That is, I take some pleasure in the fact that one of USC's wins was under Kiffin at Autzen because it rustles the heck out of Mamba's jimmies!!:yahoo:

Maybe i framed my comment wrong, i know you are not against Saban and i know you have never used those words about him being scared of the HUHN. My comments were in general about the Anti-Saban crowd and you got caught in the crosshairs. No offense meant.:suds:

As for Saban wanting to take the style away, i dont think that is his agenda. He as much as said he doesnt like the style...yes, but he has also said he has issue with it on a number of levels. One being safety(more plays equals more possible chances for injury). Another being the refs cannot be at the right places sometimes when the ball is being snapped and this has caused some confusion. And the other reason escapes me at present, but I am sure I will get comments on other reasons from the peanut gallery(not you) after they read this.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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You know, it occurred to me that you commented this morning on people cussing others and it was going to stop. Name calling leads to cussing and the term gump, gumper or anything to do with a slang form along those lines or any other name could lead to an escalation of words. Its not like I go around calling anyone names or making fun of their team but yet i am supposed to sit idly by and allow someone else to do it. And a mod no less. Glad I dont have to live in that glass house and be held accountable since the mods are doing it, must be fine for the rest of us.:noidea:

And all he does is troll on top of it.

It's all about who rather than what.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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It's not a style of football anymore than sucker punches are a style of boxing.

Contrary to what people claim, it hasn't been that difficult to adapt too.

Ducks big run is about over. Never seen a team with so much quit in them.

You not thinking it's a style of football doesn't mean it isn't. This may come as a shock, but no one cares what you think "real football" is.

The Ducks run may be about over, but it's because teams are making the proper adjustments and beating them not because they "have so much quit in them".

Seems simple to me, don't like the hunh, then scheme for it and beat it. If that happens enough, it'll go away just like other "gimmick" offenses such as the run and shoot. Then there will be no need to "legislate it out".


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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At least in this regard, 4d20 has been honest when he basically says, he doesn't care much about the injury issue, he just doesn't think it's "real football" and has no problem trying to make every other team play the type of football that he likes.

To clarify a bit. I don't mind up tempo or no huddle part of it that much. If the teams were really doing that all the time, I wouldn't mind it.

My problem is that they don't actually run it, and instead they just hurry back up to the line quickly to prevent the other team from substituting. Then they all turn their heads to the side and get a play from the sidelines, which is basically what you would do in a huddle.

That is what I think is lame. If you want to play fast and hurry up - then do it. But if you just want to rush to the line to dictate substitutions, then fuck it. I don't care what reason is needed to kill it, just so long as it does.

I was thinking more on the lines of taking the play clock down to like 10 seconds or less once the team hits the line or breaks a huddle(which would be instant if they don't go into a huddle). Or whatever numbers are reasonable in that manner anyway.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And all he does is troll on top of it.

It's all about who rather than what.

I just want to see if its lip service, or if he is really going to back up his strong words. Seems that if he is willing to be a man of his word that it needs to start on his own front porch. Time to put up or shut up...I think thats the term isnt it.

I like cliches...like practice what you preach, put or shut up. Hits right to the core where they live. I dont go around calling names and I certainly dont like the name Gump, no matter if its a term associated with my team or not.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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You not thinking it's a style of football doesn't mean it isn't. This may come as a shock, but no one cares what you think "real football" is.

The Ducks run may be about over, but it's because teams are making the proper adjustments and beating them not because they "have so much quit in them".

Seems simple to me, don't like the hunh, then scheme for it and beat it. If that happens enough, it'll go away just like other "gimmick" offenses such as the run and shoot. Then there will be no need to "legislate it out".

What I mean by style of football is that it's not a scheme. When I think of scheme, I think of spread, pro style, power I, wishbone or whatever. These are things you do on the field in terms of lining up.

Denying the other team a chance to substitute isn't a style, it's an abuse of a loophole. It has nothing to do with schemes, because any scheme you want to run can do it. Saban can have Alabama next year skip the huddle, run up to the line after every play and still be the slowest play calling team in football. Because it's not a style of football.

You don't scheme against the HUNH either, you scheme against the actual scheme they are running otherwise. Because again, it's not a style of football, it's just a loophole.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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ya'll still beatin this poor horse?


Yes, the anti-saban crowd are diligent if not foolhardy in their efforts. This will end when the votes are tallied and it passes or fails, or they get tired of beating their heads against the wall.:frusty:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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My point with this is its repetitive and its getting old fast. The same questions have been beat to death and in the end it doesnt matter anyway. Many posters on here shield their "agenda" under a thin set of what seems to be legit posts, then come back with a slight or a comment that lets you know they have an issue with the person this is all about. Comments that doubt the integrity or truthfulness, or flat out say his intentions are not about player safety are comments that draw Alabama fans in and with good reason.

You make the assumption that Saban wants this rule to pass because he thinks it will help him win on the field, but the studies have shown that it would only effect three to four plays a game per HUHN team at best anyway. So how does this effect the game as it stands if this rule was to pass? Really? 3 to 4 plays it might effect and you think this is going to change the game that drastically that it will give Nick Saban an advantage?:laugh3:

This is all well and good, but how about not lumping me in with other posters and telling me what my "agenda" is?

I didn't say he wants it passed so he can beat it on the field. I said that he doesn't like it and doesn't think that's the direction cfb should go. Which he has said. He has actually given 2 or 3 different reasons at different times which gives the impression that he's just looking for something people will buy in to.