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Solving the new NBA's problems

Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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OP can't even leave his Communist ideas to the politics threads... :L
"parity in pro sports is communism"

im a deist, and an independent. ive never been a democrat or "communist".


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Jul 17, 2014
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somethings gotta give
somethings gotta give
i dont think rule changes are the right thing- but a commissioner with balls to make some tough decisions.

The max salary is of course what makes this possible.

There should be 1 slot per team that counts as a "super supermax" - say 35M or whatever a year- but you can pay that player up to like 100M a year

so say with Knick and Porzingis and his contract is up--- you get one, lets call it Max Exception....player per team

Porzingis will only cost up to 35M against the cap (whatever the "max" contract number is for him), but you can pay him up to 100M.

SO- say Golden State uses their Max Exception on Curry, and signs him for 35million against the cap, but is really paying him 55M a year.

Each team only gets one.....so say the Mavericks want to use their Max Exception and dont currently have a Max Exception player--- Say they want Durant and they offer to pay him 60M a year......Now Durant can either stay with Golden State for the max of 35M---or he could go and be the Mavericks MAx Exception player for 60M a year.

This would make sure, or probably make sure, that the best of stars do not team up.

Its one thing to turn down 30-40 million. Its another thing COMPLETELY to turn down 100-150M.


Fuck off!
Apr 26, 2010
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Cousins is coming off an achillies injury. People need to do the research as to the effectiveness of the players who have had that type of injury. He's not going to be BOOGIE next year. But by the time he's back to his old self, guess who's back on the free market?

All players from 1992-2012 who suffered a ruptured Achilles. Oddly, their rate stats from before/after the injury don't suffer all that much?

Aug 23, 2011
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Its not as broken as MLB, revenues vary from 200 mill to 600 mill, owners making their own tv channels to broadcast the games and they can hide money over there to avoid revenue sharing. Its impossible to fix without the MLB taking all tv deals into a central fund and divide equally... and that will never happen.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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this is what i take issue with. purely speculative. is it probably accurate...yes. definitive? no. the warriors have dr's. he passed a physical.

Actually, it likely is pretty definitive. Boogie is 6'10" and weighs 270 lbs. the chances of him being the same guy when he gets back are pretty slim.

He likely won't even start playing until January at the earliest and even then, it will be on a minutes restriction as he plays himself back into shape and sees what the Achilles will allow him to do.

If he manages to get back to being even close to the player he was before the injury, he will no longer be with the Warriors because they won't be able to fit him under the cap.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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this boogie cousins thing for 5 million has me on the edge of no longer watching the nba. I'm far from alone. something needs to be done to address this. I have a couple of ideas:

1 - assign players a rating system, perhaps using something similar to VORP. assign a "ranking" to players, maybe in tiers, and you are allowed only so many tier guys per team. something to that effect. take contracts out of it...and use a ranking system. keep a cap so to speak, but revenue sharing like MLB.

2 - perhaps set a market value "bottom" for every player, based on the above. you're not allowed to sign for less than your low end market value.

3 - just let 4 teams run the NBA, and let guys take below market value deals just to fit on a team of stars.

4 - i start watching the WNBA and cry while i punch myself in the nuts.

Then stop watching. The NBA won't miss you.

It seems like every season someone has some thread about what's wrong with the NBA, how to fix it, saying they're about to stop watching while claiming that "they aren't alone" and "something needs to be done."

And every season, the NBA gets more popular and makes more money.

The NBA doesn't need to be fixed. People are making a big deal about a 1 off team that drafted smart (not one of their core 3 was a #1 draft pick) and had some pretty incredible luck with timing.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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exactly. thus, it needs a change.

IMO players associations are too powerful. they shouldnt be treated like a union. theyre millionaires. how many millionaires do you know in unions?

How many players are there in the NBA, NFL and MLB?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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The problem is that there is really nothing the league can really do if players are willing to take discounts to go somewhere.

Kawhi Leonard is willing to give up 90 MILLION dollars to leave San Antonio.

That's the part that just cracks me up. People get mad and complain that players put money ahead of winning. Then, when players take less money to win...they complain about how unfair it is.

Apparently, players are only supposed to take less money to play for teams the complainers like.


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Sep 21, 2010
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That's the part that just cracks me up. People get mad and complain that players put money ahead of winning. Then, when players take less money to win...they complain about how unfair it is.

Apparently, players are only supposed to take less money to play for teams the complainers like.

Exactly. "You didn't come to my team. I hate you! You're a terrible person."

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I have mixed feelings about this, but I think you have to look at the facts

1. The Warriors have done nothing wrong - they hit it big time in the lottery four years straight and then made moves like every other team in the NBA.

2 The fact is that they went how many decades winning nothing, missing the playoffs and etc? And is anyone going to complain about that? And when the team is busted up, how many more years before that happens?

3. The Celtics won 11 championships in a row - it isn't their fault no one was smart enough to find a way to beat them, so why should it be different for the Warriors.

4. The fact is Cousins is in a year where he is rehabilitating his body -It is widely assumed that he will be back to his former self by the time playoffs come, but there is no guaranteed of that and Steph Curry, Durant could be injured as well.


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
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Has anyone posted that the NBA has always been about 2-3 teams for decades?

Quiet frankly if you aren't Boston, Lakers, Warriors, Rockets right now, the smart thing would be to Trust The Process and start building your franchise for 5 years down the road. These next 3-5 years are going to be more pointless than the previous 4 years. If you are a lucky enough GM to have ownership to realize if you aren't GS,LA,HOU, or BOS and have no shot at anything and will give you the patience, then I would fire sell my entire team and build toward a roster that will be good in 5 years.

Right now the best team in that position is Phoenix.
In the entire history of the NBA only I believe 11 franchises have ever won titles. This is just how it is

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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In the entire history of the NBA only I believe 11 franchises have ever won titles. This is just how it is
It's the law of the jungle man - the strong prey on the weak and eat them - If you went walking down the street and found a bag with 100K in it - you know you would keep it and whoever lost it is just out of luck


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2014
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I have mixed feelings about this, but I think you have to look at the facts

2 The fact is that they went how many decades winning nothing, missing the playoffs and etc? And is anyone going to complain about that? And when the team is busted up, how many more years before that happens?

Personally, if I were a Warriors fan, like a TRUE Warriors fan from the Run TMC days, I'd want them to break up the team.

There's a certain mentality that you have as a fan rooting for an underdog. You're rooting to make the playoffs with a sub .500 record. Then all of a sudden, you're the odds on favorite against the field every year? I never want to see Villanova win 8 championships in a row. I never want to see the NY Jets become the New England Patriots.

That first championship must have been real sweet, but I'm sure there are GS fans who do not like what is going on.


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Mar 4, 2014
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Why does something have to give?

The Warriors are a unique team. They combined brilliant front office work with getting lucky, in some ways extraordinarily lucky. Take out the Warriors and the league is really really competitive.

People are overstating the impact of Cousins signing with the Warriors.

The way I look at it is like if Michael Jordan joined the Detroit Pistons after he was tired of them beating him every year.

I guess if people are OK with that, then I won't argue with them.

That Pistons team with Jordan would have been some kind of a team, but ... would the NBA really have been better off?

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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Everyone is blaming boogie for going to the dubs. After sleeping on it and getting more information, just about any team could’ve had boogie for 15m. Nobody offered it. Nobody offered him anything. The owners are more at fault than boogie for this.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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Personally, if I were a Warriors fan, like a TRUE Warriors fan from the Run TMC days, I'd want them to break up the team.

There's a certain mentality that you have as a fan rooting for an underdog. You're rooting to make the playoffs with a sub .500 record. Then all of a sudden, you're the odds on favorite against the field every year? I never want to see Villanova win 8 championships in a row. I never want to see the NY Jets become the New England Patriots.

That first championship must have been real sweet, but I'm sure there are GS fans who do not like what is going on.

Cmon man.



I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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It's the law of the jungle man - the strong prey on the weak and eat them - If you went walking down the street and found a bag with 100K in it - you know you would keep it and whoever lost it is just out of luck
There have been 73 NBA titles. I believe the Celtics and Lakers combined have won 2/3 of them.