They fucking won?
Flames announcers should bring up the Phaneuf trade right now.
Flames announcers should bring up the Phaneuf trade right now.
As I said earlier, I think Sutter could have done better trading with another team than the Leafs, but what's done is done.
I wished they kept Ian White. They should have kept Ian White.
Goes to show how pathetic the Leafs are when they make a team full of slackers look like a Cup contender.
Goes to show how pathetic the Leafs are when they make a team full of slackers look like a Cup contender.
I still say Ron Wilson is a huge part of Toronto's problem.
I still say Ron Wilson is a huge part of Toronto's problem.
Damn...What a rocket by Grabovski.
5-2 Flames
The Leafs look like they're running on empty, maybe a few waffles would help...
It's going to be a loooooong time before that gif gets old...