Don't Blame the Refs
I would think you and that whole turkey stuck between your folds are.
I'll have you know that if Ben Franklin had his way, the bird stuck between my folds might be a national symbol. If it's a wild one.
I would think you and that whole turkey stuck between your folds are.
I'll have you know that if Ben Franklin had his way, the bird stuck between my folds might be a national symbol. If it's a wild one.
If Ben Franklin had his way, you would of been attached to that kite, so he could have some fried turkey.
And that's rep. Not reep.
And that kite would have had to have been like the Titanic...huge, but I would have sank it anyway.
i iz hotter than u
I think it's important to post an Avatar pic that is your true self.
sorry...wrong quote...but Loki..is that you?...I live in Pittsburgh too ya know....soooooo...
lol....IPW...I'm tired of being your set up guy...your straight man....how about throwing me a bone once in a while?....shake and bake!...
Yeah let's hook up before I hit 600.
The guy on first.
what's his name?