^^ Privileged ^^
How about Larry the Cable Guy, can you guys please shut him the fuck up?
I don't even care if we were to unban him or not..........I was just asking what I believe is a legitimate question: Why did we ban Shady?
When you look back at the evidence we have (his posts, our responses) it looks kinda gay on our part. It's like if a group of 10 random people formed a card playing club on Thursday nights where they can shoot the shit, and then they all start talking and find out that one guy is a Republican and the other nine are Democrats (or vice versa) so the group decides to kick that one guy out for having differing view points.
coin said yesWhy don't you flip a coin
coin said yes
LOL@ Mr.bill --I sure do miss that critter
Congrats on 200 sir......
God no
please don't