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Why Snyder is not the worst...by a nose.


Run like the wind!
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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My comparison will be that of a drug addict. The first step of the addict is admitting that he/she is an addict. We don't need to go over what happened in the Cerrato years, and a lot of hysterically ridiculous stuff since then. He has finally been outed. He can not hide anymore. He has screwed up so much and given the reigns to Bruce Allen. The Skins are taking their time hiring a coach, and although we won't know to what degree he will have input in the new staff hiring, we are trained not to trust him from his mistakes, and we are not to blame for this. He might be in 29th or 30th place in my mind as far as best current owners in the nfl, which means I think there are 2 or 3 worse than him. Snyder realistically can never become a great owner, because of his ego and because he stamps his business sense too often where it doesn't belong. STAY AWAY DAN!

Can you imagine Snyder in the draft room picking players??
Or not giving the likes of Bill Parcells more control because of his own ego?
Or firing the best defensive coordinator you have had in years because he was not your puppy?
I haven't even brought up Jimmy Johnson.
These reasons keep Jerry Jones more than just a few strides behind Daniel Snyder.

Snyder is a kid and finally has been shown that he can't do it his way. I at least want to believe this.
Cowboy fans are stuck with Jerry Jones, and honestly I feel sorry for them (not the bandwagonners), because he ain't going anywhere, unless he kicks the bucket.

Who else is Snyder ahead of? I'm not totally sure, but I bet Cleveland, Detroit, and Tennessee loyalists could draw a line in the sand and claim they have a worse owner. They don't have the expectations that we have though, so it does not seem as when comparing, but these teams owners have been insanely bad.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Fair points. However - you fail to mention a point where Snyder is actually a good owner. He has never failed to put whatever money is necessary to get the right coaches, players, etc. Granted - this has sometimes led to problems. However - some other owners won't even spend the necessary amt & this can cause as many or more problems.

There are lots of teams with owner issues including the Raiders, Jags, Jets, etc at the current time & plenty of other examples in the recent past. Really hard to rank any of them since there are several very good ones but also lots of bad ones.

It is also hard to tell where Snyder really stands right now since a lot of the current perception is based on media speculation (& we are jaded due to past experience). The media always likes to portray things in a bad light since that is what sells. The true proof will only come over the next several years as we see how this unfolds.

I am not too worried about it at this time. I am just ready to move on from the mess that existed during the past season.


Celebrity Troublemaker
Jul 8, 2013
FedEx Field
Hoopla Cash
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Dan Synder has to be #3 on the list of worst owners. I haven't given this much thought but IMO he hasn't completely destroyed this organization because of Joe Gibbs/Jack Kent Cook's legacy....If we were an organization with only one title or fighting for a title....it would be like the Madden football...."you suck, "where do you want to relocate your team"?

Jerry Jones has to be the worst and then whoever owns(ed) the Lions.
Back to the Cowboys....How do you fire Jimmy Johnson? And tell the media "anyone could have coached the team?" LOL!!!
