Puck/Gents, I sent a PM off to Lakers32 & Ghost this morning to get some clarification on what the true policy is on posting tramp pics as a thread.
The powers that be finally caught wind of the Flyers board "Pig Pen" and deleted it, so....I'm pretty sure this one is going to get torched sooner than later too.
Ghost: "I would stay away from anything that you can't see on tv. I had Google ads back up for three days during the auction. Then I get an email stating that the ads are disabled again because of some f'n tight-shirt titty pic. That picture probably cost me 60k. I had to go back to the auction and tell everyone that the ads are disabled."
I know that there are some people who are going to be upset by this news. Feel free to PM me if you are one of them, and I will give you secret instructions on how to use a thing called "Google" that can literally allow you to see millions of women on the internets for free.
Yeah, I know what you are probably thinking right now. That I must be crazy, and there is no way you can see millions of women on the internet in the comfort of your own home for free, but it's true. And if you send a PM to me in the next hour, I'm going to double your order and include a magnet that also opens cans.