Jan 23, 2015 Thread starter #1 logic Well-Known Member 4,339 2,242 173 Joined Apr 19, 2013 Hoopla Cash $ 69,923.31 Fav. Team #1 Fav. Team #2 Fav. Team #3 vine test Watch cjzero's Vine "Blake Griffin Is #NSFW"http://vine.co/v/OIIIJTJVwu7 Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2015
Sep 16, 2017 #2 006 Yippy ki yay 15,039 3,599 293 Joined Apr 18, 2013 Location Appalachian foothills Hoopla Cash $ 1,940.91 Fav. Team #1 Fav. Team #2 Fav. Team #3 Seriously though, how bout that trade @ktg8trgrl @TemptressToo @Winged_Wheel88 @moxie @Shelby @Rex Racer @bonham @outofyourmind @B_dub @romeo212000 @tnapucco @KansasSooner @Jtrain80 @BoomerNTX @Wishbone @MarkOU @sooner78wakeboard @Scapegoat @Proud_Okie @Wheat @Goldbug @Pariah @BusSport @8085sooner @Nosferatu @thunderc @Kevin12773 @Vitamike @PhilSimms11 @boltfan72 @SteelersPride @packerzrule @Used 2 B Hu @tabascojet @TigerBait1971 @puckhead @craigk217 @Inimical @Manster7588 @Ewa PGH Fan @pitman @BoiseMike19 @BTHOtu @BritishDolfan @popeyecv64 @BigRedMoe @gobigred @gohusk @Brasky @huskers1217 @Tomhusker @Skerpokes @Stinky56 @Carnzo @Peter Gozintite @KingKoolKat75 @58crash @Eugene Baker III @AlaskaGuy @Guns N Guitars @fordman84 @TheRangerDude @beardown07 @omarsrevenge @thedddd @TheDayMan @lilchi721 @USCDoom @Battlelyon @darken65 @mcnabb7542 @Debbie Does @ill @Wild Turkey @7Samurai13 @Bayou Tiger @RobToxin @RobBase @Inquisitor95 @Hook'Em0608 @Codaxx @Texas Jefe @TexasExes98 @ElTexan @bamabear82 @Bamabino @Bandwagonbo2 @theSabanator20 @GoldRusher @ralphiewvu @There is A Moose at 3rd @Cowboyinexile @Wedgie @potzer25 @Harry Seaword @MISKO @fordman84 @JuiceTheGator @douggie @FaCe-LeE-uS @NEhomer @obxyankeefan @LambeauLegs @handicappers @Balljim55 @DetroitDevil @Tin Man @Nasty_Magician @bocomo007 @Guy Incognito @OregonDucks @Think McFly Think @Ritzarmy @UK Cowboy @wlk3 @MilkSpiller22 @Shanemansj13 @mr.hockey4242 @Mebert @Godstree @steveringo @Wamu @VFL1995 @trojanfan12 @BigKen @TheRobotDevil @Clayton @ATL96Steeler @Tubbs1518 @IndyAndy @The Crimson King @gandydancer @SJ76 @Wings @wildturkey @DrewScott @TrustMeIamRight @MAIZEandBLUE09 @Wingingit @mall3013 @Airraidtech @clemtheslowson @Judge Fudge @Macho Grande @Dolgevillefootballfan @seahawksfan234 @DutchBird @PEOPLESCHICKEN @megalodon30 @batchaps4me @BigAppleBadger @Bojack_Horseman @Sharkonabicycle @Full Potato @Shower Fart @Chris p Bacon @God @Midnightangel
Seriously though, how bout that trade @ktg8trgrl @TemptressToo @Winged_Wheel88 @moxie @Shelby @Rex Racer @bonham @outofyourmind @B_dub @romeo212000 @tnapucco @KansasSooner @Jtrain80 @BoomerNTX @Wishbone @MarkOU @sooner78wakeboard @Scapegoat @Proud_Okie @Wheat @Goldbug @Pariah @BusSport @8085sooner @Nosferatu @thunderc @Kevin12773 @Vitamike @PhilSimms11 @boltfan72 @SteelersPride @packerzrule @Used 2 B Hu @tabascojet @TigerBait1971 @puckhead @craigk217 @Inimical @Manster7588 @Ewa PGH Fan @pitman @BoiseMike19 @BTHOtu @BritishDolfan @popeyecv64 @BigRedMoe @gobigred @gohusk @Brasky @huskers1217 @Tomhusker @Skerpokes @Stinky56 @Carnzo @Peter Gozintite @KingKoolKat75 @58crash @Eugene Baker III @AlaskaGuy @Guns N Guitars @fordman84 @TheRangerDude @beardown07 @omarsrevenge @thedddd @TheDayMan @lilchi721 @USCDoom @Battlelyon @darken65 @mcnabb7542 @Debbie Does @ill @Wild Turkey @7Samurai13 @Bayou Tiger @RobToxin @RobBase @Inquisitor95 @Hook'Em0608 @Codaxx @Texas Jefe @TexasExes98 @ElTexan @bamabear82 @Bamabino @Bandwagonbo2 @theSabanator20 @GoldRusher @ralphiewvu @There is A Moose at 3rd @Cowboyinexile @Wedgie @potzer25 @Harry Seaword @MISKO @fordman84 @JuiceTheGator @douggie @FaCe-LeE-uS @NEhomer @obxyankeefan @LambeauLegs @handicappers @Balljim55 @DetroitDevil @Tin Man @Nasty_Magician @bocomo007 @Guy Incognito @OregonDucks @Think McFly Think @Ritzarmy @UK Cowboy @wlk3 @MilkSpiller22 @Shanemansj13 @mr.hockey4242 @Mebert @Godstree @steveringo @Wamu @VFL1995 @trojanfan12 @BigKen @TheRobotDevil @Clayton @ATL96Steeler @Tubbs1518 @IndyAndy @The Crimson King @gandydancer @SJ76 @Wings @wildturkey @DrewScott @TrustMeIamRight @MAIZEandBLUE09 @Wingingit @mall3013 @Airraidtech @clemtheslowson @Judge Fudge @Macho Grande @Dolgevillefootballfan @seahawksfan234 @DutchBird @PEOPLESCHICKEN @megalodon30 @batchaps4me @BigAppleBadger @Bojack_Horseman @Sharkonabicycle @Full Potato @Shower Fart @Chris p Bacon @God @Midnightangel
Sep 17, 2017 #3 Vitamike #H9Csuck! 15,505 4,627 293 Joined Apr 17, 2013 Hoopla Cash $ 141,051.00 Fav. Team #1 Fav. Team #2 Fav. Team #3 logic said: vine test Watch cjzero's Vine "Blake Griffin Is #NSFW" Click to expand... Dude's a dick, and apparently a fheg too. Can't believe I liked the dude in College... but hey people change, especially when they come into some $$$.
logic said: vine test Watch cjzero's Vine "Blake Griffin Is #NSFW" Click to expand... Dude's a dick, and apparently a fheg too. Can't believe I liked the dude in College... but hey people change, especially when they come into some $$$.