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Va-jay-jay news

Jan 6, 2011
The Cheeseburger Express (RIP)
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
I heard this news too. It seems like a bit of a long shot though from the article that I read. Apparently, Jaundice's team is in some financial bind and could actually benefit from having the Vaj's contract paid off??? Having said that, either way it's going to be good for us. Having Jaundice there would give us a much-needed center, for him to gain experience and for us to see if he is legit. If he doesn't come this season, we were planning on tanking anyway so come 2012-2013, we would have two top 5 picks (with this year's draft pick likely to be a stud and Jaundice with potential stud-status). Then watch out! We back in the game baby!


Active Member
Jan 6, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
great, just what we need, more snake race crackers on the roster to drive away DD and davis with their political and business talk

wait a minute, he won't even speak fluent english.HOORAY! This means he won't have the ability to use the snake charm to manipulate and get ahead, the way so many snake coach's and politicans do whether its playing an entire population or just a bunch of dumb athletes. Valancunas's accent shoud render the snake charm useless imo. Unless colangelo pulls the strings expect valanchooooonas to have to earn his way which is great for his and the teams development. Amir and ed have both bulked up, i expect them to be more formatble centers then valiant anus(my fav nickname by the way) at least to start.
Either way wit bargnani just handed another year of starting (while casey beats off to nowitski posters with his ring on hand not knowing the refs gave him the errection) i expect real good competition for the other minutes, all from players not even close to their primes with dunking ability. I suspect many to predict anus wins out in the end, there will be some like myself that say davis but in the end it will probably be amir cause he works harder than anyone on the team
Jan 6, 2011
The Cheeseburger Express (RIP)
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
great, just what we need, more snake race crackers on the roster to drive away DD and davis with their political and business talk

wait a minute, he won't even speak fluent english.HOORAY! This means he won't have the ability to use the snake charm to manipulate and get ahead, the way so many snake coach's and politicans do whether its playing an entire population or just a bunch of dumb athletes. Valancunas's accent shoud render the snake charm useless imo. Unless colangelo pulls the strings expect valanchooooonas to have to earn his way which is great for his and the teams development. Amir and ed have both bulked up, i expect them to be more formatble centers then valiant anus(my fav nickname by the way) at least to start.
Either way wit bargnani just handed another year of starting (while casey beats off to nowitski posters with his ring on hand not knowing the refs gave him the errection) i expect real good competition for the other minutes, all from players not even close to their primes with dunking ability. I suspect many to predict anus wins out in the end, there will be some like myself that say davis but in the end it will probably be amir cause he works harder than anyone on the team

This log jam with our bigs could turn out to be quite the headache. This is more the reason why I'm hoping Jaundy will come play this season so we can evaluate him. If he does end up being the real deal, we'll be down to two options:

1) Trade Poon Machine. He may be darn magical, ballerina-esque, robotic, no emotion and the sexier version of Ostertag, but if both Burger and Amir show that they can be double-double guys who can also play defense, our PF position is looking pretty darn solid. And since Poon will likely defend poorer than both, unless he drops 30 a game, I can't see how we wouldn't trade him.


2) Use either Amir or Burger as trade bait for a great piece. This is probably more likely and if that is the case, I'm hoping Amir goes. Let Amir stack up some numbers, package him into a double-double workhorse and ship him for a needed piece in return. I believe Burger's ceiling is higher than Amir's so that move would solve the log jam problem and get us a solid player in return.


Active Member
Jan 6, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
This log jam with our bigs could turn out to be quite the headache. This is more the reason why I'm hoping Jaundy will come play this season so we can evaluate him. If he does end up being the real deal, we'll be down to two options:

1) Trade Poon Machine. He may be darn magical, ballerina-esque, robotic, no emotion and the sexier version of Ostertag, but if both Burger and Amir show that they can be double-double guys who can also play defense, our PF position is looking pretty darn solid. And since Poon will likely defend poorer than both, unless he drops 30 a game, I can't see how we wouldn't trade him.


2) Use either Amir or Burger as trade bait for a great piece. This is probably more likely and if that is the case, I'm hoping Amir goes. Let Amir stack up some numbers, package him into a double-double workhorse and ship him for a needed piece in return. I believe Burger's ceiling is higher than Amir's so that move would solve the log jam problem and get us a solid player in return.

i think its between bargnani and davis if they do choose to move someone. Of course anus won't be moved cause he's this years pick and Amir is locked up for years at backup money plus knows his role whatever it may be(bench, starter, scrub, allstar).

davis based on how he performed his rookie years and shotblocking i would say you'd have to be crazy to move early but i can't help but think he hates canadians. He above any prospect on the team i can forsee leaving via FA though i'm just basing that on how ganster he is.

bargnani is the anomally that can't rebound and hates breakin a sweat yet you know when you trade him the refs are going to turn him into nowitski. Now as much as the snake charmer BC loves ballard i can't help but think casey is the last straw if he doesn't become dirk soon, or at least pull down 7 boards(something ed davis did last season weighing 215pounds)

then again i could see everyone staying. Cheeseburger and valiant anus get the nod, swatting the piss out of shots while ill poon scores 20 a game off the bench pissing three's out his ass with a human barrier blocking out the defenders. All while amir continues to do what he does, eat grits and get gritty
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Jan 6, 2011
The Cheeseburger Express (RIP)
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Not to jump the gun or anything, but this year's top prospect is this bro:


If we get him...oh man, I can't wait for what you guys have to say about this dude

Marco Doubypops

Road Commentary Specalist
Jan 9, 2011
Kingston, Ontario/ London, Ontario
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
But now that I look at it, Douby's was a wild man-unibrow. This new guy's has an unnatural shape, as though he gets it plucked that way. This guy is a Douby wannabe. I'll take him still though.


Active Member
Jan 6, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
But now that I look at it, Douby's was a wild man-unibrow. This new guy's has an unnatural shape, as though he gets it plucked that way. This guy is a Douby wannabe. I'll take him still though.

can't blame the guy for at least trying to pluck it like douby. Everyone would think he was moon if he didn't