Quit checking me out.
What's funny here is your quote actually agrees with what pitman said to begin with that you argued with so you are all over the map on this one. Pitman says when you gas it the car turns and you said no it doesn't at pace speed. Now all of a sudden the dead mans friend says it and it's "see! I told you so"
His friend making assumptions over what was seen or not and what his intent was or not can't be influenced by just watching his friend die. I mean that NEVER happens right? :rollseyes:
The dead mans friend said those things right away and I think it's quoted on like the 1st or 2nd page, it wasn't new.
As for the car turning. There is a difference between the car slinging it's rear end out as the friend said, and the car turning as pitman said. There is also a difference in when the car needs to sling the rear out to turn better. When it's at pace speed, or as the police estimated between 25-35MPH, the cars are able to turn just by turning the steering wheel. I posted multiple videos showing this.
But when the cars are going around the track at speed, the kick the back ends out and as they are sliding around the track they are also pushing with the traction they do get to the inside, and that makes them turn better. They wouldn't be able to make the turns at all otherwise, they would slide off the track.
Do you understand the difference between race speed and pace speed? Yes? Good.
Now, as part of the setup in these cars, they are built to kick the back ends out. So when you get on the gas, it kicks the back end out. As the driver in the article stated, he hit the gas and the back end kicked out and that is what hit him - the back end. The rear kick out from a temporary lose of traction in the rear tires.
Ok, still good? Do you understand what a pivot point is?
The pivot point of these cars is at the front wheels, which at this point still have some grip. Thus hitting the gas will kick the back end out, BUT it doesn't move the front tires to the left any until the car gets sideways and the gas is still being applied. Thus, as the rear of the car hit the guy, and not the front tires, it was the act of Tony hitting the gas and kicking the rear end out that actually hit the guy.
If you read the entire thing, his friend actually seemed pretty level headed about it honestly. He accurately described the incident of the previous lap as a racing incident and no big deal. He also says his friend make a mistake in what he did etc.