Well-Known Member
Still a lot of sugar thar 1217
Crystal light is sugar free
Still a lot of sugar thar 1217
Snack- sack of roasted peanuts... 340 (270 from fat, 30 g fat(46%) 5 g sat fat(25%)
Guess I should have read thee package for i ate...
It's good fat though. Fat is good for you if you eat the right kind. You need it.
"Good" fats include monounsaturated fats, found in olive and canola oils, peanuts and other nuts, peanut butter, and avocados. Monounsaturated fats lower total and "bad" LDL cholesterol - which accumulates in and clogs artery walls--while maintaining levels of "good" HDL cholesterol, which carries cholesterol from artery walls and delivers it to the liver for disposal.
"Bad" fats include saturated fats - the heart-clogging kind found in butter, fatty red meats, and full-fat dairy products. "Very bad" fats are the manmade trans fats. Trans fats, which are created when hydrogen gas reacts with oil, are found in many packaged foods, including margarine, cookies, cakes, cake icings, doughnuts, and potato chips. Trans fats are worse than saturated fats; they are bad for our blood vessels, nervous systems, and waistline.
Good and Bad Fats
walnuts, cashews are alternatives.
Of course, both good and bad fats are going to work the same as far as storing fat in the's just that the good fats are better for the heart en sech
I love me some cashews
Yep like with everything it has to be in moderation, but you can't just completely cut fat out of your diet. Your body would start burning your own fat for energy at an unhealthy rate which is terrible for your liver and other organs.
Point is, you have to get your daily value of fat. It might as well be good fat.
Whar are the peanuts?