I'm in my jam jams and I ain't good to drive either.
airraid hates Texas Tech
don't let him fool you
I live in Oregon. know all about it. was one and still do on occasion. Not during football live or in front of the telly. Domestic lights all the way.
Why are folks given ya shit about your choice of beer. I can Remember back in the day you couldn't find Coors east of New Mexico, Folks were hiring Bootleggers to transport east for major bucks... WTF
Why are folks given ya shit about your choice of beer. I can Remember back in the day you couldn't find Coors east of New Mexico, Folks were hiring Bootleggers to transport east for major bucks... WTF
Why are folks given ya shit about your choice of beer. I can Remember back in the day you couldn't find Coors east of New Mexico, Folks were hiring Bootleggers to transport east for major bucks... WTF
That really wasn't a fair catch signal......it was pretty half assed.......to me that's a suspect call
I think he meant hauling Coors east of the Mississippi was bootlegging, not new mexico.