Oh I really like boobs
Oh and my area is pretty much just suburbs. A little ghetto I guess. The county is pretty lame
My story is that I just have a terrible sleep schedule. I only have class Tues and Thurs but I stay up till 7 AM sometimes on days I'm off and just go to sleep then. I wish I would just bring myself to change that but it's so hot down here and hard to sleep sometimes
I am a sleep tech.
Oh and my area is pretty much just suburbs. A little ghetto I guess. The county is pretty lame
Gotta watch them axe bears in the country
well I'm in my 2nd year of college(I'm 19) and am living with my folks. Believe me I hate it. They don't make too much money and my dad has the whole rules thing. But when I get to UGA in the fall I'll be living in a nice comfortable apartment hopefully with AC. I have an AC for my window but to save energy/money I guess he doesn't want to put it in till the summer.
Yeah, I understand that. Good luck in the fall anyway. AC is also a great thing Once you get that freedom, it is hard to go back, even know I normally didn't get into trouble, I wanted my own space.
meh....skool and sech....
LOL....seriously, go ahead and finish that shit now even if your folks are annoying to live with....
Guess I'm about to hit the sack too.
Remember to feed the squirrels en sech and to turn your sprinklers off at night.
aha oh I'll be away from them next semester and partying it up having a blast at UGA. I can't freaking wait. Hell I'd even go to Nebraska or OSU if I had to. Now Tennesse thats a problem