Can I apply for part-time? This is not the norm for me, I'm usually in bed by like 10 because I have to be up at 5am est.
You can be our evening security hours are flexable
Can I apply for part-time? This is not the norm for me, I'm usually in bed by like 10 because I have to be up at 5am est.
My roommate always had women over. The worst time was when him and this slut were going at on the couch in the main room. I walked in from class one day and then I just walked right back out after I saw it.
My roommate always had women over. The worst time was when him and this slut were going at on the couch in the main room. I walked in from class one day and then I just walked right back out after I saw it.
That's what I did when I seen them. I just turned around and left as quietly as I could. I did not want them to know I was there.
Luckily I've never had to live with someone else for financial purposes.....I don't think I could tolerate a roomate....
Why leave though? It's your damn place too....if they have no shame or concern for privacy, walk in YOUR home and say wow y'all ain't very good at that, you probably should do that in private where others wont see you and laugh.....
Luckily I've never had to live with someone else for financial purposes.....I don't think I could tolerate a roomate....
Why leave though? It's your damn place too....if they have no shame or concern for privacy, walk in YOUR home and say wow y'all ain't very good at that, you probably should do that in private where others wont see you and laugh.....
Luckily I've never had to live with someone else for financial purposes.....I don't think I could tolerate a roomate....
Why leave though? It's your damn place too....if they have no shame or concern for privacy, walk in YOUR home and say wow y'all ain't very good at that, you probably should do that in private where others wont see you and laugh.....
Reminds ne of the time I saw a girl going down on a guy in a mall parking lot at Christmas time.I went back to my car wrote a 6.5 on a piece of paper knocked on the window with the sign and told them they needed to work on theory technical girlfriend at the time was pissed I made a scene in the parking lot everyone else there thought it was far as I saw it it served them right for choosing such a bad location.
One time I walked in on - that is, I was going to my room and saw them - my sister and her girlfriend...thankfully they were still clothed. But I mean really, who makes out in a room with the door wide open when you KNOW your sister is home?!
I saw my roommates along with 4 other people, all naked in a pile in the middle of the living room floor. I quickly turned around and went back into my room.
One time I walked in on - that is, I was going to my room and saw them - my sister and her girlfriend...thankfully they were still clothed. But I mean really, who makes out in a room with the door wide open when you KNOW your sister is home?!
lol, what do you mean, was you with somebody?
Well, I was hoping we didn't have to have this talk so soon goes!
When a man and a woman love each other very much...