I AM the liquor
3.3% of the nation should get a powerball ticket, now!
Luckily I had Duke losing to Michigan in the SS. Therefore I still can have a good outcome. Remember, getting the final 4 perfect usually makes you a winner in your local office pool regardless of how you did in the early rounds.
Luckily I had Duke losing to Michigan in the SS. Therefore I still can have a good outcome. Remember, getting the final 4 perfect usually makes you a winner in your local office pool regardless of how you did in the early rounds.
I had duke, oklahoma, ohio state and harvard
Cause they are Dook?
My bracket is trashed after Duke lost!!!
Had Duke in the E8. I have KU in the finals losing to Zona.
Hahaha so I'm looking at the Billion dollar challenge leader board and there are only 6 perfect brackets left and 4 of them belong to chicks! Hahaha I swear girls always win pools with their off the wall picks.
Just checked that out as well...I counted 11 perfect still though. After this OSU-Gonzaga game there will be 4 or 7 people left perfect, and it's looking like its likely to be just 4
Hahaha so I'm looking at the Billion dollar challenge leader board and there are only 6 perfect brackets left and 4 of them belong to chicks! Hahaha I swear girls always win pools with their off the wall picks.
Haha mark my words man, the first perfect bracket in history will be some chick who picked random teams based off how cool their mascot looks or something like that.