Listening to this interview, I would love to play for Lopez.
GBR is butthurt over Capital 1, he's been crying about us for 2 weeks now.
I could care less about that game. You are just too easy to give shit to.
The announcers just said Farris is pitching to be perfect.
That's exactly the opposite of what I've seen. He's not trying to be fine, he's just pounding the zone and changing speeds. He wants the batters to put it in play.
Why don't you just stick to watching the game, and not spreading the hate.
Lol @ getting butthurt on a message board.
No, you're just polluting the thread - some of us are watching the game seriously - like me, 'Sto, and Darkstone. Take the drama back to the Cornhuskie forum, dude.
These annoucers have been :bj: South Carolina all CWS
I just remember listening to these guys the first South Carolina/ Arkansas game. They realllly wanted South Carolina to win.
They probably talked about Arizona the first game all the time because Arizona dominated South Carolina that entire game. It shouldnt have been as close as score was
Where all the Cock fans at anyways? They sure post a lot more when they are winning than they have the last two nights![]()
That's 4 right there. Stop hating.
How is that hating? Most of that is true. You just cant see it bc you are a South Carolina homer. The announcers were biased towards South Carolina earlier on. I understand it to a point because what they have done has been amazing but it was pretty overly biased.
The 3rd one is true. Arizona dominated SC last night. Only a homer would be in denial about that.
I'm done with you. Go back to the UN forum and fight with Jeb Burch about something.