You can't just be happy for me for getting it right can you?
24 here
Ya old bastards
while we are all on ages, if you believe in the good man upstairs, my cousin 31 died unexpectedly today, throw up a prayer for his family
bigD and capt. obvious are posting in the uno thread
just in case VP is still around
We have an uno thread? The hell did you fuckers do now?
We have an uno thread? The hell did you fuckers do now?
We have an uno thread? The hell did you fuckers do now?
I already knew that...
I don't care...
And fuck you.
Good job Zig
Hah! Makes me think of The Critic, they made fun of Orson Wells all the time;
"Rosebud....YES, Rosebud brand english peas, full of wholesome country goodness, and green pea-ness...wait, that's terrible!"
They "officially petitioned" to have his ban lifted...
They succeeded.
if by you fuckers you mean Rock........he created a bring back UNO thread, i think its in the MLB board
Alright let's not say things were gonna regret...
And I look closer to my avatar than 24... Especially right now at the bar
I'm almost 49. Anyone here even close to that ancient?