Suck My Brine
Pickles keep your ass away from Belmont
Nobody wants to go to New York ... dont worry
Pickles keep your ass away from Belmont
Well I am #1 on the ghey list so its cool
You just couldn't resist if he was there?
Somebody's jealous...
Link or leave the boards forever
uno is unbanned
And Buccs, 2 days after Uno was back, and all the jokes about his dancing and his chin and his legal threats were said, you'd want him gone again.
You know why?
Because he sucks.
It's the same shit day after day after day after day.
As soon as you guys want him banned again, let me know. I think you're a bunch of fucked up mutherfuckers for wanting this guy back, but whatever...
I am sitting at a sports bar watching the Padres finish a sweep and me and my bro are finishing pitcher #3 and we're stuffing ourselves with wings and bar fare. I'm easy as hell right now.
As soon as you guys want him banned again, let me know. I think you're a bunch of fucked up mutherfuckers for wanting this guy back, but whatever...
I am sitting at a sports bar watching the Padres finish a sweep and me and my bro are finishing pitcher #3 and we're stuffing ourselves with wings and bar fare. I'm easy as hell right now.
As soon as you guys want him banned again, let me know. I think you're a bunch of fucked up mutherfuckers for wanting this guy back, but whatever...
we are a self defeating bunch.....and he may be an idiot and he may be a douche....but he's our douchy idiot...
Originally Posted by BUCCS469
i dont know what anyone else has said to you on this subject but here goes.
uno is a douche...but he should be here..the thread hasnt been the same without him...and most of the guys seem to bring him up regularly...i am mostly responsible for getting him fired up.....its your as you like....but i think its been long enough.
I moved him to Restricted, which means he can do nothing but post in the MLB board. No avatar, no PMs, no nuthin' else. And he's coming back with the knowledge that anyone can post whatever they know about him at anytime. If he doesn't like this, that's fine.
So what's the over/under on how many times tomorrow Rock posts about how he wanted Uno back becuase ___________
(enter some reason other than "I'm obsessed with him and was cutting my wrists by day 2")