MSU player and fan tears taste like chocolate awesome.
Bless his heart and determination, but I don't care if Martinez went to the Manning Academy. He is no Manning so stop trying to use him like an OC would use Manning..
Paid off on that last play though. I was pulling my hair out saying please don't pass the ball.
Tim Beck is either dumb or has balls of steel.
I cannot fault Martinez' will and determination to overcome his mistakes.
I can fault Beck for putting Martinez in those situations, having the ability to watch game film and see stats. He's damned determined to make Martinez something he's not.
Kid showed some serious nutz, that's for sure.
kenny bell retweeted this. Thought it was pretty good.
"@AFRO_THUNDER80 had a great day first you win a big game then you find out you have the ability to throw people with your mind #Flop #hero"
Retweeted by Kenny Bell
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Tito hadn't much choice, if he didn't win it for us, the loss was All his effort. He will throw that fucking ball straight to the other team as long as thats what the play call is, forbid our line give him an extra .125 seconds to make a better read.