Padded cells optional
What's up Blue???
morning blue
What's up Blue???
OH...sorry I watch the 400+ horses of NASCAR.
One horse is to slow...LOL
Kentucky Derby bro!..
what time do they run today
lol...i hear ya! I'm ready for the race tomorrow,one of my favorite tracks.....
The big race(Derby) at 4 ghost.
did you switch your drivers around
damn I couldn' rep blue,misk or Rie,,,I'll get you 3 next time
Mornin, everyone.
Gee, I was gonna wish everyone a happy Cinco de Mayo, but after reading back a couple of pages, I don't think it would go over too well.
I agree with what that veteran did, and I support those kids who wore clothing emblazoned with Old Glory. This PC bullshit has to stop.
Now don't get me wrong. I see no harm in Mexican-Americans celebrating Cinco de Mayo...they're just celebrating their different from Italian-Americans celebrating Columbus Day, or Irish Americans enjoying St. Paddy's. But OUR flag takes a back seat to no other on our soil, and if that offends anyone, FUCK 'EM ! !
Aw, screw it. I'm still gonna put on a sombrero tonight at the Elks. We're having a combined Cinco/Derby party this evening. And before anyone objects, remember's a great excuse to inhale some Mexican food and hoist a few margaritas. For the record, I'd rather have a margarita than the Derby's official juleps suck.