Gun Control,,,,not likely
well hell this is the same way the Steelers home page on FUX was we talked about everything,,,anyone who doesn't like it can kiss my ass
Misko, you're right about the regular Pens fans. The Philly boys sit there trashing Malkin, and making noise about wanting to see Sid knocked out of the game forever, and the Pens fans sit there and politely explain why our team ain't so bad. They should tell those assholes to fuck off.
And Ghost, I see what ya mean. But there are a lot of Steelers fans who don't post in the off-season. As to the Pens fans, a lot of 'em don't venture far from the hockey boards. Their choice, I s'pose. We have a great group of peeps here, but can't force anyone to join.
a couple of them had mentioned to me about the football talk only thing ...and my response was did you ever start a football conversation with us ?? I can answer that for you and the answer is NO.. but if you start a conversation the rest of us will chime in we just arnt going to go over the same ground over and over and over again thats boring
Well, I suppose there are two kinds of Steelers fans...the ones who have no interest in each other, beyond their mutual interest in football...and the ones like us, who actually feel bonds of kinship with their distant brethren and sisteren. I feel like I know some of yinz peeps better than I know some of my local friends and neighbors. If that's weird...OK,'s weird.
hell I don't want to turn into the BENGALS
We would have to kill ourselves if that happened. Buncha cranky bastards.
they are 1 anti social bunch,they all have a stick up their ass
Except for Blue...he doesn't even hang out with 'em.
Gonna go check out Misko's post. BRB...again.
BLUE is one of us he just won't admit it
Well, I suppose there are two kinds of Steelers fans...the ones who have no interest in each other, beyond their mutual interest in football...and the ones like us, who actually feel bonds of kinship with their distant brethren and sisteren. I feel like I know some of yinz peeps better than I know some of my local friends and neighbors. If that's weird...OK,'s weird.