Active Member
Tell Kramer congrats too, at least he has great taste.
I passed that along MS, he gave me a wink, head shake and a thumbs up... So are you getting crappy weather down south today?
Tell Kramer congrats too, at least he has great taste.
Nope gorgeous on the coast. Kids are all out 4 wheeling and the commander and I are watching the grand son. Weather is perfect about 82 and sunny.
jk Its in the 50's and storming here
I hear you are getting hitched,to of all people Kramer,good luck I hope all goes well for the 2 of you,,,,,,,,,,I will have to rethink my position on Kramer he can't be all bad if you can marry him,,,,,
Hate that for you but otherwise a bright day for ya too!
Yes a diamond in the rough lol
Tell him that a Steelers Girl deserves a bigger rock than that. Wait, you deserve 6 of them! LOL
why stop there MS, I want 7!!!
help! help! I am living with a crazy woman!
help! help! I am living with a crazy woman!
help! help! I am living with a crazy woman!
Ghost have you had any more weird happenings on your property??
Welcome to the jungle....
help! help! I am living with a crazy woman!
no nothing new,I may have found out who the traveling thiefs are though