Warn the others...
fantastic photo

ok so an update....
last night @ my folks' place they got my sister on skype and everyone surrounded me and mrs. wyo and handed us each our birthday presents from my sister....mrs wyo's was on the 30th but mine isn't till the 16th of February so i obviously wasn't expecting this at all.....well mrs wyo got a polamalu fashion jersey and i got an authentic mean joe greene away jerseyapparently its been a plan for a while t now to make this my "year of the jersey"
I'd wear it while drinkin a Bacardi coke kid, to offer his idol a wee dram to dull the aches and pains.
Love your comment Ghost, would he like you calling his mom a cheap whore, lol that Dr. Funke was a disease called Bip, he just got banned..
No shit..All of the sudden Stillerz Peeps have shit to do on Friday nights?? ;-)