Warning! now your out!

Tox, no problem, I have to rep outside the lines sometimes! hahahah!
wont let me rep my peeps unless I spread it around! and that was worth a few rep points! lol!
lol So.....I'm a fucking charity rep??
I take back my promise to return it then..
charity repped
what a mess here lol how goes brothers and sisters..hope everyone is doing fucking busy i have no time to take a shit lol.....
good morning to YOU@
and THANK YOU for the clue!
from now on, CHOCOLATE MILK on my cereal!
lol What up Shawn?! Hows the new gig going?
Not sure if you guys have mentioned this before, but does anyone else see that "Lady Fanatic" banner on the bottom of this page?
Talk about something that's long overdue.....sportswear for women.
Man...If I have to hear my wife complain about the mens jerseys for another season, I'll goddamn flip out. lol
ugh kinda sucks right now...they are so unorganized its disturbing...typing fast because the phone rings so fucking much here lol...