Let The Games Begin!!
You guys have a great week,i'll be in and out from time to time.

there are things about the hoop that really blow,,,,
if you don't run with the popular opinion,be it gays blacks or Joe Pa and penn state and you won't play SUCK UP TO BE FRIENDS WITH EVERYONE,,,YOU ARE LABLED BIGOT OR ASSHOLE OR IDIOT,,,,well I am tired of the fucking SUCK UP BROWN NOSING ASSHOLES AND THOSE WHO THINK THEIRS IS THE ONLY OPINION THAT MATTERS,,,,,
I won't budge and I don't care which one of the assholes don't like it,,anyone with a problem with that well you know what you can do,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,blue
lol...the same thing you can do.If you got a problam with me son,pm me.I knew you would pull this shit.I like people and i dont feel i need to be against the grain all the time to make myself feel better or bigger than anyone else either.Seems to me your just a bit bitter about life!
hey if you want to slide along here and make no waves,,that is you,,,,and I pull no punches nothing underhanded here right out in the open,,,you don't like it tough stay out
You dont make the rules ghost,maybe you should stay out.All your doing is trying to get attention.Buddy let me tell you something right now,you dont know what "tough "is!Just keep me out of your mouth and we'll be just fine.You dont run things around here ghost,nor will you ever.
ok suck up whatever you say,,,but I am done with you,,
you want to know where you can put that smiliey,,,don't pile in with the assholes anymore that is what this is about you playing suck up 1 time to many
you want to know where you can put that smiliey,,,don't pile in with the assholes anymore that is what this is about you playing suck up 1 time to many
you keep your mouth to yourself and we will be fine,,,,,this morning if the roles had been reversed I sure as hell would not have sided with Herky,,,but then I'm not you,,,see ya
but then you are a bengal fan,,,you can't expect much out of one of you
Steeler Nation Rules!!!!
How the hell is everyone???
Holy phuck....
what shit storm did I drop in on???
Holy phuck....
what shit storm did I drop in on???