Padded cells optional
Half way.....its all down hill from there!!!
Hey Blue.....
How the hell are ya???
:attention: I'm alive ~ don't send the search party
Niece is moved in
Family has been flying out at various times today
I'm at work but knocking off at 4:30 to take sis to the airport
moving sucks
I miss my friends ~ I hope y'all are well
had to do this as drive by, bosses lurking nearby
:attention: I'm alive ~ don't send the search party
Niece is moved in
Family has been flying out at various times today
I'm at work but knocking off at 4:30 to take sis to the airport
moving sucks
I miss my friends ~ I hope y'all are well
had to do this as drive by, bosses lurking nearby
psych,,,,,,,,are you still here,,,,you need to pay attention to Vickers he doesn't race every week,,,,,
How ya doing Misk???
doin good psych .. just taking a break here at wurk
Dickers was on my bench....I didn't play him this week!!!!
Breaks are good!!! I am on my one day break this week!!!