Steelerin MS

good evening to those here
Max was found, after 2 hours, in the holly bushes (20foot hedge) and he came out to me but got spooked and ran back in there a few times, but I eventually crawled under and got him out. He stayed wrapped up in a couple of towels in my arms for awhile, then cleaned himself off, ate, then slept at my feet all night. Poor thing was in shock and just curled up against me ~ I cried, he was so sweet~ he's back to being normal today. He and Lucy are currently pissed off at me for putting advantage on them for the first time. They have both given my stick eye and walk away when I try to pet them.
good evening to those here
Max was found, after 2 hours, in the holly bushes (20foot hedge) and he came out to me but got spooked and ran back in there a few times, but I eventually crawled under and got him out. He stayed wrapped up in a couple of towels in my arms for awhile, then cleaned himself off, ate, then slept at my feet all night. Poor thing was in shock and just curled up against me ~ I cried, he was so sweet~ he's back to being normal today. He and Lucy are currently pissed off at me for putting advantage on them for the first time. They have both given my stick eye and walk away when I try to pet them.
Twelve ncsf......