Padded cells optional
yoi lol
They need to get the lights up and in a hurry over there, cause it seems the candles inside aren't very bright either!!!!
yoi lol
im out of here gents g night
Ya know it was pretty close to that.....
they told me someone was in the lot
I asked them where abouts
they tell me I cant miss him he is walking around with a flashlight
----so I turn the light towards the building and flash "HI" in morse with the
they tell me he just shinned the light on the building
being a smartass, I tell them, I just said Hi to you
Being a dumbass they tell me, well of coarse you said hello when you answered
the phone!!!!
For Pete's
I don't know if her name is Pete or not.....But I am willing to bet she is blond!!!!
Damn, you guys shut down way to early around here.... LOL
What a FUBAR kinda night, but if this is as bad as it gets....shit I will take it any day!!!
hey blue .. how is the new home ,, are ya just about settled in ?