Steelerin MS
Oh shit I got it~!
Gotta fast for 12 hours again Doc thinks the lab screwed some results up. Oh well/
Hey ghost.
Been trying to eat a lot of rabbit food lately.
The 32's were getting a bit snug, and the wife bought me some 34's and that was it...
I'm damn determined........
Now where was that cheese steak sammich I just had??
Hey ghost.
Been trying to eat a lot of rabbit food lately.
The 32's were getting a bit snug, and the wife bought me some 34's and that was it...
Gonna try to fast tomorrow. I have 30 days to do these labs.
I am drinking my ass off by this post about the debate!
I don't need a debate to see who I'm voting for,,,Obie has shot his wad and I'll be voting for Mitt
ol Obie has pissed me off,,,,I voted for that SOB,,fool me once shame on you fool me twice,,,well you know the rest of it
Sorry GG I will not discuss my politics being a Government employee. But I like the way you think with that. LOL