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Texas @ BYU


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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i've read into this thread without posting yet but this comment ^^^^^^^deserves a response. It's OK to be a devoted loyal fan. Here's the difference. Next week Nebreaska is more than likely going to get beat (probably badly) by a ranked team. I'll be in the ER of the local hospital in catatonic shock if Nebraska wins. Most other schools fans are realistic about their football programs.

Texas fans always seem great at making excuses. The last couple of years it's been "We're a young team". OK, that's acceptable EXCEPT Brown had a string of ten years where he won ten games or more. And we all know that somewhere in that decade he HAD young teams and STILL managaed to win ten games every year. And yet when Brown had to or was forced to let go of many of his long time assistants, what's happened?. The school/AD/HC went out after some top notch assistants pay them good money and forgot about coaching chemistry as well as forgot to tell these assistants to leave their egos at home and coach for the good of the team and NOT for themselves. I said the same damn thing over at CBS. There is no chemistry...money alone won't buy that.

The sad thing is the school has boxed itself into a corner on this issue. What coach in their right mind would leave where they are to come and coach at Texas? You have a great loyal fan base, great facilities, great recruiting classes, a great history/tradition, and all the money in the world. Yet, whoever is offered the job is going to be on a very short leash.

One year year turnarounds? Maybe an Urban Meyer, but I don't know if even Texas would be willing to part with the salary and buyout of his current contract. Which leaves you with the Notre Dame syndrome. Sign someone to a 5 year contract and the dump then after three for not producing---over & over again.

So, yeah this is why the "peanut gallery" shows up after these types of Texas losses. Your fan base continues to be in denial of the real problems. So, you get made fun of. It's sad when the outside world can see your problems and Longhorn egos are so huge they won't admit to the real issues.

The reason the peanut gallery shows up is because there isn't a more arrogant, elitist group of posters here than UT fans. Constant potshots at TAMU, even though TAMU is more relevant today than UT. Constant potshots at OU, even though OU has dominated that series for a decade. The recent post that "we don't rush the field because we are Texas." That's why the "peanut gallery is here." Time to eat some crow, but it won't happen. We'll just get excuses.


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One guy ? Bullshit. Sure, their QB was great, but what about their defense ? They came to play and were physical , talented, and well coached. They rarely had a man out of position and they played with determination. And, most of BYU's team are supposedly a bunch of slow white guys that were never considered top recruits.


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I heard thousands of people were trying to break into DKR last night.


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One guy ? Bullshit. Sure, their QB was great, but what about their defense ? They came to play and were physical , talented, and well coached. They rarely had a man out of position and they played with determination. And, most of BYU's team are supposedly a bunch of slow white guys that were never considered top recruits.

BYU has alot of Pacific Islanders on their team don't they?


I can make it to the gate in 2.6 seconds....can you?


10 inch Member
May 2, 2013
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One guy ? Bullshit. Sure, their QB was great, but what about their defense ? They came to play and were physical , talented, and well coached. They rarely had a man out of position and they played with determination. And, most of BYU's team are supposedly a bunch of slow white guys that were never considered top recruits.

This game is ANOTHER classic example of defining the difference between a team with the "best athetes" and the "best team". If this was a decathelon, Texas wins hands down. Unfortunately for Texas this was a football game.

With the right leadership, understanding of the fundimentals, game plan and a collective team oriented mindset, a group of 2 and 3 stars with above average smarts and great attitudes can compete and often times win against 4 and 5 stars with below average grasping of all of the above.


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Jun 27, 2013
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This game is ANOTHER classic example of defining the difference between a team with the "best athetes" and the "best team". If this was a decathelon, Texas wins hands down. Unfortunately for Texas this was a football game.

With the right leadership, understanding of the fundimentals, game plan and a collective team oriented mindset, a group of 2 and 3 stars with above average smarts and great attitudes can compete and often times win against 4 and 5 stars with below average grasping of all of the above.


No. I told you the BYU game would tell you about Texsd 2 weeks ago. This was not scheme or ability. BYU is a tough team. They are not a talented team. I was worried about how Texas would match toughness. They are bullies. Big and bad pushing little kids on the playground, but stand up to them and they fold. That is what happened. I have never seen domination like that when a QB actually played a decent game. Texas had 0 turnovers and was mauled. That amazes me


Roll Tide? What? FUCK YOU! lolz
Hoopla Pickems Staff
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worst tackling I have seen in a long time.....


Dad, World Traveler, Investor, college football
Jul 2, 2013
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Think how bad Texas would be if they didn't get five star recruits every year.


May 1, 2013
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A Nebraska fan realistic about their football program and doesn't make excuses?? LMAO

I know you're new here, but wait til that first loss. You will see excuses like no other form NU fans.
Apparently, you didn't read the part about my visit to the ER room if we beat UCLA. With all the humiliating losses we had last year and what we didn't do in our first win this year, there will be no excuses from me.


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May 18, 2013
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Not to get political...but I don't know how anyone can be pro-choice after witnessing my first live abortion last night. I actually cut the game off with 5 minutes left in the 2nd quarter. I knew how the rest was gonna go.


May 1, 2013
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Think how bad Texas would be if they didn't get five star recruits every year.
I would like to hear from a Texas fan and honestly explain how & why this team has imploded oveer that last handful of years. You don't go from being a great team to a crap loss like this in five years with the same head coach. I've said it's a lack of chemistry among the assistant coaches.

Now with the dismissal of Diaz, (during the season) and the hirinng of all people Robinson (who's only year with the Texas D was a decade ago, something ain't right. i'd like to see an honest opinion from an objective Longhorn fan.


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May 18, 2013
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Bigred how could we possible know that as fans? By listening to some dumb ass who charges 9.95 and claims to be an insider? Bottom line is Mack is all over the place. He stopped trying to be himself and started trying to copy everybody. Nick Saban lived in his dome for 3 years after the national title game. He tried to put kids who have played nothing but spread their entire high school careers into a run first pro style offense. Just because Saban does it. Then he wanted an SEC style defense. So he asked who the young up and comer was in the SEC. Everybody said Manny Diaz. Both backfired. So he said he wanted to be Oregon. How about you be Texas Mack?


Crusader for Truthiness
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This thread is fun.


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Jun 27, 2013
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I would like to hear from a Texas fan and honestly explain how & why this team has imploded oveer that last handful of years. You don't go from being a great team to a crap loss like this in five years with the same head coach. I've said it's a lack of chemistry among the assistant coaches.

Now with the dismissal of Diaz, (during the season) and the hirinng of all people Robinson (who's only year with the Texas D was a decade ago, something ain't right. i'd like to see an honest opinion from an objective Longhorn fan.
I would simply say turnover. Texas has lacked a defining philosophy for yrs. Hard to build teams when you are constantly changing your systems. You can not recruit and develop players to succeed when the system's life is shorter than the players time at the University


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
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One guy ? Bullshit. Sure, their QB was great, but what about their defense ? They came to play and were physical , talented, and well coached. They rarely had a man out of position and they played with determination. And, most of BYU's team are supposedly a bunch of slow white guys that were never considered top recruits.

annnnnd Virginia made them look like just that.

side note: Oregon 59 Virginia 10


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Jul 2, 2013
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I would simply say turnover. Texas has lacked a defining philosophy for yrs. Hard to build teams when you are constantly changing your systems. You can not recruit and develop players to succeed when the system's life is shorter than the players time at the University

I would even take it a step further. From '00-'09, Mack's recruits were some of, if not, the best athletes in the country who lived up to their hype. From '10-present, these athletes are just not as good as the star that was given to them. I mean, the majority of defensive players that were starting against BYU had no business being on the field and shouldn't be playing D1 football. The basic fundamentals these players should have already are not there (mainly tackling). Also, Mack surrounded himself with some pretty good asst coaches who went on to become HC's (Tomey, Robinson, Chizik, Muschamp), so let's not forget that. His current coaches are just as bad as his defense. Searels should have been fired along with Diaz yesterday. His O-line has sucked ever since he arrived at The 40 Acres in '11. I'm am tired of watching our O-linemen getting pushed around with ease when playing a decent or quality opponent. I'm tired of Mack trying to adapt an "SEC philosophy". We're in the Big 12, not the SEC, two totally different conferences. IMO, the ship sank even more when he brought all of these coaches in from the SEC. Stop trying to be a fucking SEC team and just be a Texas Longhorn team.

When I got home Saturday night from getting completely shit faced due to the fact that BYU raped this team severely and all but ended my CFB season so early (this team is going to implode even more b/c this coaching staff has no clue how to right the ship b/c this coaching staff is terrible, so I see this season reflecting the '10 season), I was watching ESPN highlights to see what everybody was saying about the game and Robert Smith said the perfect thing that summed everything up when he suggested that Texas's players over the last few years are spoiled, privilege athletes who think teams should bow down to them b/c they play for Texas and there is no accountability by the coaching staff (did anybody see Diaz on the sideline at one point of the game, around the 4th quarter when BYU kicked one of their many FG's and he was patting his defensive guys on the back and telling them good job? Are you fucking kidding me?). Smith then said, on the other hand, you have teams like BYU whose athletes think it's a privilege just to be playing college football and play their butts off. For years I've always thought these overrated players had too much of a country club type setting. Hell, just watch the LHN and see how practice functions: It's held inside the bubble, instead of being outside in the heat, loud music is playing (Mack says the loud music creates a fun atmosphere for his players) and they are always in shorts, rather than full pads.

I'm glad to see Diaz finally got fired; he should have been fired after the OU game last year. However, I doubt Robinson will make a difference b/c he inherits a defense full of players who have no fucking business whatsoever playing Division 1 football. Not one of our defensive players (except for Quandre Diggs) would start for Saban, and that's a fact. The only thing that can right this ship is FIRE MACK BROWN IMMEDIATELY AFTER THIS SEASON.......


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Time to rant some more. I'm so sick and tired of the majority of my fellow Orangebloods giving Major Applewhite a pass. He's a terrible OC and always has been, except for one season when he was the OC at Rice and helped Rice make it to their 1st bowl game in decades (helped that Rice's conference was weaker than the majority of the 5A high school districts in Texas). Yes, I realize how great of a player Major was for us, but for fuck's sake, he should have been fired yesterday, too. Now, Major is a great recruiter, no doubt about that, but he has no business being an OC. He shits his pants once his offense is shut down and has no idea how to adapt and overcome! Saw it too many times with him and Harsin last year.....