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Terrelle Pryor Rumor


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Jul 16, 2013
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I don't know shopson, this is a very questionable post in total.

I'm not sure you believe a single character you typed here. Either way I'm not buying any of it.

So are we to believe you think the Offensive line has nothing to do with the the completion percentage? No pass pro, no time in the pocket. Or how about the kicking game. Do you think field position has no effect on how they're gonna chuck it?. Oh and defense, if you got a lead, do they just keep on taking high risk shots across the field or when behind do they just take what the defense gives 'em? Forget about the coaching staffs impact on a QB's completion percentage.

There all are team stats but to SJ's point, it's easier to evaluate when you have the same team with a different leader plugged in the offense.

Yes, the silent majority has been getting walked on for a long time now and those trekking are enjoying every step.

As far as Tim Tebow goes, are you saying his outward Christian profession hasn't had a negative effect on his career?

Of course other elements of the offense (such as protection and WR catching ability) factor in to a QB's performance. However, wins involve every player in all three facets of the game to a much greater degree. You can win with a terrible QB performance. However, you can't realistically call a QB performance great when he can't complete passes. Running QBs get chewed up and spit out in this league.

As far as the "silent majority" goes, that's a good joke. How many NFL players (including QBs) do we see pointing to the sky after every big play? And no, his outward Christian profession hasn't had a negative effect on his career. His reluctance to change positions has.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Of course other elements of the offense (such as protection and WR catching ability) factor in to a QB's performance. However, wins involve every player in all three facets of the game to a much greater degree. You can win with a terrible QB performance. However, you can't realistically call a QB performance great when he can't complete passes. Running QBs get chewed up and spit out in this league.

As far as the "silent majority" goes, that's a good joke. How many NFL players (including QBs) do we see pointing to the sky after every big play? And no, his outward Christian profession hasn't had a negative effect on his career. His reluctance to change positions has.
Please explain how the silent majority is a good joke or how anyone getting walked on in an era calling for tolerance is a good joke?

It is only a joke to those with the boots on.


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Jul 16, 2013
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Please explain how the silent majority is a good joke or how anyone getting walked on in an era calling for tolerance is a good joke?

It is only a joke to those with the boots on.

The joke is that it's not reality. It's about as real as the "War on Christmas".


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The joke is that it's not reality. It's about as real as the "War on Christmas".
Open your eyes, the silent majority is called 'silent' for a reason.

There is no joke here....


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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I agree totally with Vita here. Shopson, I believe you live in a fog of significant size.


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Jul 16, 2013
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Open your eyes, the silent majority is called 'silent' for a reason.

There is no joke here....

There is no war on Christianity in this country, unless you think the few vocal atheists like Bill Maher have that much pull (and they're against all religion, not just Christianity).

The negatives for Tebow are his traveling circus (due to his dedicated following) and his issues as a passer.


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
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There is no war on Christianity in this country, unless you think the few vocal atheists like Bill Maher have that much pull (and they're against all religion, not just Christianity).

The negatives for Tebow are his traveling circus (due to his dedicated following) and his issues as a passer.

I'm just curious what country you live in Shopson? There is absolutely a war on Christianity in this country, and in this world. It is more subversive in the US, but it's here nonetheless. You can't pray or even mention God in our schools but you openly talk about being gay, which to most Christian believers is immoral. There are petitions for removing "In God We Trust" from our currency. There are even laws that have had to be enacted to protect certain freedoms in our country because of religious persecution. If you just look around society and see the depravity and immorality/lack of ethics if that isn't an attack on Christianity I don't know what is.

Must be fun living in a utopian world such as yours Shopson, where reality is everything you dream it should be.

And as far as Tebow is concerned, yes I think he has a stigma attached to him at this point. But he's not being picked up because he's a Christian, he has the stigma of not being able to throw the football well enough to play in the NFL. If he was good enough, teams wouldn't care if his god was a rocking chair, just as long as he could play and wasn't a troublemaker or a china doll. I think he's proven he's durable and not a rebel rouser. There have been reports that Tebow has improved his throwing mechanics considerably. I wouldn't mind seeing the Rams give him a chance, but I won't lose sleep if they don't.


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Falling right in line with Faux News I see. God and religion are not banned anywhere, it's simply that all religions must be treated equally. Where I see political correctness in greeting people with "Happy Holidays", you see an attack on Christmas. Where you want prayer in public schools, I see schools making rules to not exclude or ignore those with other religious beliefs. School isn't a place for religion anyway, unless you are attending that type of school; in this case most likely a Catholic school. Church is where religious learning should take place. This country was founded on the principle of freedom of religion, not just freedom for Christianity.

Depravity and immorality happens isn't exclusive to non-Christians either.

Regardless of all that (and I'm sure we won't ever agree), my point was the second half of your post, with which I agree; Tebow is not being ostracized for his religious beliefs.
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Apr 18, 2013
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I don't get into conversations about religious beliefs or politics there are way to many angles to manuver and I won't go there. To the point though, Christian beliefs are being worked over, so are other religions as well. As a baseball lover, I watch many players point to the sky after that big hit and they are not pointing at the sun. Their's is a belief in something and to each their own on what that might be. As for Tebow, he throws a terrible pass with a long release. That is the reason he is looking from the outside although the circus ala (Mike Sam) is a justification for a club not to take a chance. Tebow should be in the NFL and I wish the Rams would take him for nothing else as a change of pace and a high character guy.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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A point to the sky in the 80's was Christian.

Now it can be for any Supreme being...

There are many who believe in a Superior being not named Jesus.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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People hate Tebow because he's a Christian. It's true and sad. He's a good kid, didn't ask for the attention and better than some NFL back-up QBs. Let's call it what it is.

Didn't want to stir up a religious battle. I'm just tired of all hate all over the world.

I'm ready for week 1.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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As far as Tebow the QB, I'm still waiting for an answer on this:

So why was Orton benched??!! Lol. Why did Tebow keep the job?

You had 2 QBs with same team. One succeeded and one didn't. One lost the job and one kept the job.. And you all are going to stand behind the comment of the wins/losses were on the team, no credit what so ever to the QB? Because of numbers? Percentages?

Yeah I'm not a stat guy. I know there is many ways to win a ball game and at the end of the day a W is all that matters.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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As far as Christians being worked over... Yeah ISIS is cutting little 6 year old Christian girls in half - literally at the torso. I would say Christians are being hated on for sure.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Your whole "stat geek" thing is annoying as hell, sorry for having opinions backed by evidence and not subjective opinion.

Stat geek to me is a narrow-minded way of looking at things. You talk about your numbers and percentages as facts, but you leave out that Orton was 1-3 and benched for some reason. You say that there are player stats and team stats? Lmao

How do those players accumulate stats? Do they throw to themselves? Do they do everything themselves?

C'mon. Some of you need to look at the whole picture. Call that subjective it whatever you want. But don't just spit stats because u have an agenda. I guess when you have man love, you support it. When you hate, you don't support an agenda.
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Jul 16, 2013
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As far as Christians being worked over... Yeah ISIS is cutting little 6 year old Christian girls in half - literally at the torso. I would say Christians are being hated on for sure.

I thought the discussion was in THIS country however. Obviously, other regions have other religions in the forefront, along with their extremist groups.

Regardless, we disagree and lets get back to talking football.


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Jul 16, 2013
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As far as Tebow the QB, I'm still waiting for an answer on this:

So why was Orton benched??!! Lol. Why did Tebow keep the job?

You had 2 QBs with same team. One succeeded and one didn't. One lost the job and one kept the job.. And you all are going to stand behind the comment of the wins/losses were on the team, no credit what so ever to the QB? Because of numbers? Percentages?

Yeah I'm not a stat guy. I know there is many ways to win a ball game and at the end of the day a W is all that matters.

However, Tebow's fans relegate way TOO much credit to him, whereas the defense (with the timely return of Champ Bailey from injury) and the running game really controlled those games.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Ok :)


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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As I sit here watching Russell Wilson own the Packers on the ground with the READ OPTION with Percy Harvin and Marshawn Lynch.

But yeah if giving all the credit for Denver's ball control to Champ Bailey for the Wins that year and not giving Tebow any props makes you sleep better, by all means.... Lmao

Pretty pathetic shop I thought you were better.

When I talk about war on Christians, its never limited to one region. It's going on worldwide.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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As I sit here watching Russell Wilson own the Packers on the ground with the READ OPTION with Percy Harvin and Marshawn Lynch.

But yeah if giving all the credit for Denver's ball control to Champ Bailey for the Wins that year and not giving Tebow any props makes you sleep better, by all means.... Lmao

Pretty pathetic shop I thought you were better.

When I talk about war on Christians, its never limited to one region. It's going on worldwide.

I didn't give all the credit, just noted that the defense isn't given their fair share of the credit.