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Team Meeting


Dr. Pepper is the bomb
Nov 24, 2010
Bay Area
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Will a players closed door meeting help this team?

Should D.Wilson have one last team meeting?

Off the subject, but have any of you seen Doug W. shown on the TV during the playoffs? I remember last year he was shown cheering and screaming during the games. This year it seems like he is hiding, or is it just me?


Active Member
Oct 27, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Will a players closed door meeting help this team?

Should D.Wilson have one last team meeting?

Off the subject, but have any of you seen Doug W. shown on the TV during the playoffs? I remember last year he was shown cheering and screaming during the games. This year it seems like he is hiding, or is it just me?

sadly, no. Sometimes the other team is just better than you. We cant expect wallin, pickles, huskins, or murray to suddenly become an offensive contributor or suddenly grow some wheels. Sometimes, the other team is just better.

The sharks are trying their best, but vancouver's ability to make quicker plays and their defense's ability to use their feet to beat a forecheck are simply things the sharks cannot stop. To beat the nucks, you have to play as a 5 man unit with the defense jumping up into the play, getting pucks on net with forwards in the area. Luongo stinks, as has clearly been shown these past two games with multiple weak goals. All the sharks need is to get the puck to the D and have the D gets shots through. Problem is, our D cant do that, so its 3 on 5 offensively and that's pretty tough.

The sharks have 1 5 on 5 goal, and that was the gift from Lu to Joe. For all intents and purposes, the sharks have been shut out at EV in the first two games. A meeting isnt suddenly gunna make them faster or make vancouver weaker.

At least vancouver is a canadian team and their fans appreciate their win unlike F'ing detroit that feels its standard and entitled, chicago who didnt even come to games for many years, or anaheim that still probably thinks that disney owns the team and only comes to games when the lakers or angels arent playing. or NJ, which is half empty most of the time too.

At least Vancouver cares and has nice people (with nice racks) :-)


Sharks Hockey... meh...
Dec 3, 2010
peoples republic of the bay area
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Hardly can disagree with that. My thinking is that the only chance we have is if VAN makes a lot of mistakes and we simultaneously get a lot of breaks...

not a good thing to count on.


You should pay me for being here!
May 2, 2011
The true North,strong and free!
Hoopla Cash
$ 3,850.45
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Will a players closed door meeting help this team?

Should D.Wilson have one last team meeting?

Off the subject, but have any of you seen Doug W. shown on the TV during the playoffs? I remember last year he was shown cheering and screaming during the games. This year it seems like he is hiding, or is it just me?[/QUO:frusty:

Can't really see that helping much at this time.
They know what's at stake,and have to pick up their game.
Staying out of the penalty box has got to be a priority.The Canucks do not take many penalties,so they have got to start scoring 5 on 5.