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Steve Kerr is back


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Oh we know Jackson was holding them back. They don't even play the same way. He had Curry (any many other players) pigeonholed into the way Mark Jackson thinks the NBA works instead of evaluating Curry's talents and building a system to suit it, which is what Kerr did. Mark Jackson had a Ferrari and put 87 Octane in it.

I agree to a point. He also was bringing along a younger team that was learning. Maybe he'd have turned them loose offensively. We don't really know because they won a title in Kerr's first year.

I'm sure that if you talked to Jackson or any of his people, they'd say that the Warriors would have done just as well. Meanwhile, Kerr supporters will say that it's because of Kerr.

Really doesn't matter anyway, Kerr is the coach and they won the title with him.


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Sep 26, 2011
Sevs or quick chek
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Well, he did say "pretty much anyone." :lol:

Seriously though, we don't really know for certain if they would be doing the same things if Jackson were still the coach. Was what they have done since the beginning of last season a natural progression of what they were doing under Jackson? Or is it truly because Kerr is that much better?

It reminds me of the Kobe/Shaq Lakers who only went as far as the WCF under Del Harris. The Lakers fired Harris, hired Phil and won a title in Phil's first season. One wonders if they'd have won it with Harris still coaching, or was it all Phil?

Maybe a little of both in each case?

Warriors with Jackson were last in passes per 100 possessions last year and probably this year warriors were first or 2nd in passes per 100 posessions. It's night and day IMO


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Sevs or quick chek
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I agree to a point. He also was bringing along a younger team that was learning. Maybe he'd have turned them loose offensively. We don't really know because they won a title in Kerr's first year.

I'm sure that if you talked to Jackson or any of his people, they'd say that the Warriors would have done just as well. Meanwhile, Kerr supporters will say that it's because of Kerr.

Really doesn't matter anyway, Kerr is the coach and they won the title with him.

One of Jackson's former assistants didn't think that at all lol. Fans thought they needed a new coach too and I agreed at the time


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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I agree to a point. He also was bringing along a younger team that was learning. Maybe he'd have turned them loose offensively. We don't really know because they won a title in Kerr's first year.

I'm sure that if you talked to Jackson or any of his people, they'd say that the Warriors would have done just as well. Meanwhile, Kerr supporters will say that it's because of Kerr.

Really doesn't matter anyway, Kerr is the coach and they won the title with him.

Jackson was a great coach in turning around the culture, but he was more of a motivator than an x's and o's guy. His play sets were terrible and the offense in general highly underachieved while he was coach.

Kerr brought in a system that played to the strengths of the team. He gave them freedom while also instilling a system that emphasized the Warriors biggest team strength, their passing. Jackson was notorious for not game planning for teams and his preparation was next to nothing. Steph and the rest of the team have noted that Kerr has so many plays in his notebook that he can draw up anything at any time. Jackson for the most part during timeouts just stood around, while Mike Malone drew up plays.

Jackson is a great coach for turning around the culture of a team. He would thrive in a situation like Philly, or even the Lakers. But, he has a ceiling.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Jackson is a great coach for turning around the culture of a team. He would thrive in a situation like Philly, or even the Lakers. But, he has a ceiling.

Definitely can agree with that. Some coaches seem to only be able to take a team so far. Like Marty Schottenheimer in the NFL. Dude could turn around a floundering organization and get them winning, but could never get them to the Super Bowl.

Del Harris took the Shaq/Kobe Lakers as far as the WCF, but it took Phil to get them to win championships.