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Seems to be the case more & more. My biggest issue with Tomlin is his non-conformist ignorance. Everyone in the world can see what ails the team every year, but he is always backing the personnel, staff & scheme like there's no problems at all. I know its part of the HC job to instill confidence, but damn he always comes off as irritatingly dense.
Like we know the every-down defensive zone scheme is a huge flaw in today's NFL, but Tomlin seems to believe it works &it boils down to execution. How many times does the team need to get slaughtered by playoff teams before he finally understands this?
I think the whole fuckin with the defense is one of the MAJOR reasons they could not wait to part ways with Lebeau.....You know damn well Lebeau would not of stood quietly for all the bullshit he is pulling on Defense.
He still thinks he is this all knowing defensive fuckin wizard, and if he feels so strongly about this, maybe he should just step down and get a defense that will be happy to be fucked up!!!!