likes oatmeal lumpy

How is this idea coming along though?
Getting a lot of people voting?
I think you have a reading problem Slimp?
No I meant vote for the same poster twice for the same category. You get two votes per category.
-Each poster can receive only one vote overall
Yes, but it also said this:
So by voting for the same person twice in the same category, you have already exceeded the one vote overall total.
Can I vote for Miley?
Can I vote for Miley?
Looks like I'm stuck making multiple user names then. Here comes Isidro Caliente.
When Miley can vote, will you still be interested?
You need to get your old lady to sign up to vote.Looks like I'm stuck making multiple user names then. Here comes Isidro Caliente.
that gets a +1When Miley can vote, will you still be interested?
Wait, Miley can't vote?
Duh, no.....she's a woman.
:::: Ducks:::::
An apology in advance to the ladies of the forum. ;-)~
hahahahah, don't worry, i'm no feminist. i mean, i DO appreciate being able to vote however. but in my mind, i don't ever have to be drafted, so...WIN.
As a reminder to all the voters, my avatar used to be Christina Aguilera's tits. Then again, it was also Flo from Progressive, Jennifer Jones, Trish Stratus, the Orbit Gum girl, and three different waves of Chris Pronger.
If it was Flo from Alice you'd have my vote.
Love Polly Holiday!