There will always be someone to blame......
The stupidest part about this Cutler discussion is the failure to acknowledge that EMERY was the one that gave him the huge contract. Literally tying the next regime's hands. There is not a damn thing Pace and Co. can do? You can't eat that contract or trade it. So instead, they are trying to make lemonade from the lemons given. Jay is an above-average QB, with an elite skillset. They recognize that, and are building around it. Eventually, when the timing is right, I assume they will look to draft his replacement. This year, was obviously not that year, for a multitude of reasons, the first and most obvious being, that this was one of the weakest QB classes in some time. I don't care if they got Goff, he would not beat Cutler by day one. Or year one for that matter. Guaranteed.
I never want a drafted QB to start game one and replace the guy, but at least start the development so there is no question he is the backup by his second or third year. I dont think either of the top two picks are much of anything. There are too many failures like Geno Smith, RGIII, Bortles, all of them could have used time to catch up to the NFL game and not had a slump second season but a first season that made you take notice instead of drafting another guy. Russell Wilson might as well be put in the same conversation as Tom Brady as far as being later round pick that just fucking got it. Just because they are picked early does not guarantee them getting it. How much the veteran gets paid does not guarantee him getting it. The only thing both of them got was a chance to win a job. Seattle had 20 million dollars of QB's with Jackson and Flynn, was hasselbeck still there even? He took the chance given to him and won. Thats what we are trying to avoid here in Chicago